Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dye Jobs Ruined My Hair: Use Herbs For Radiant, Healthy, And Natural Looking Color!

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Dye Jobs Ruined My Hair: Use Herbs For Radiant, Healthy, And Natural Looking Color!

As you see from the title above you can tell I'm not a fan of dying my hair. Yeah, I went through that crazy phase when I was a kid who wanted to turn my beautiful, thick, and very curly hair (that I wish i still had) into a straight and more blonde mess. I started dying my hair in middle school thinking my hair would look more beautiful dyed into a platinum blonde and straightened. This not only made me lose most of my curls but my hair was so damaged that it actually started to break off very easily and my hair kept getting thinner throughout the year. In high school I decided to take a different route and try the natural approach which was dying my hair with henna and indigo to achieve jet black colored hair. This is a method they use in India and henna actually helps your hair get stronger. Not only does this method not damage your hair but it will save you so much money! I paid twenty dollars for a packet of henna and indigo. You're probably thinking it's to good to be true...well it sort of is. Henna and Indigo are permanent so once you dye your hair with it you're stuck with it unless you chop off your hair or be patient and let it grow...which I have done. I have successfully lightened my once very dark brown hair to a light brown with raw honey and marigold washes. Below I will list some personal recipes I use to lighten my hair and how I used to darken my hair with herbal remedies.

Henna For Red Hair


How To Darken Your Hair Naturally

-Wash your hair with black tea after you shampoo your hair. This gradually makes your hair darker.

-Do a coffee rinse once a week after you shampoo your hair.

*I know their are more remedies out there that probably work but I'm just listening the remedies that I have used that I know work.

How to Lighten Your Hair...Even if you have Henna/Indigo

-Wash hair with a marigold wash once a week or every time you wash your hair. The more you do it the faster the results.

-My all time favorite tip is purchase raw has to be RAW because it contains an enzyme, glucose oxidase, that can produce peroxide. Also combining it with cinnamon really gives it a boost. (I used the honey above...haha who knew you could snack on your hair mask). :)

-This isn't exactly natural but getting food grade hydrogen peroxide and leaving it on your hair for thirty min to an hour can lighten your hair as well. Do this only if your desperate! It dries your hair out so make sure to either use a lot of conditioner (with no chemicals) or coconut oil.

How to get Reddish Tones In The Hair

-Heat up coconut oil...or your favorite kind of oil over a double boiler and after it's pretty warm add paprika and/or cayenne pepper and leave it on your hair for an hour or as long as you can. Someone who has a very sensitive scalp should not try this.


Stay groovy!


Radical Rose

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