Monday, May 26, 2014

The "Phantom" Matrix: The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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The "Phantom" Matrix: The Electromagnetic Spectrum


The electromagnetic spectrum IS the matrix. That is how they do it. The part that they refer to as “visible” to us would be more appropriately referred to as the part that we exist in IN THIS PARTICULAR FORM, or what the “new agers” refer to as “manifest form” in such a way as to suggest that it has something to do with your own personal hologram and manifestation of that hologram, as opposed to the reality that your Light is trapped here, in an electromagnetic cage, just like the Light being in the sky that we refer to as the “sun.”  Because all you are made of, Coppertop, is electromagnetic energy.  MATTER. 


This is an artificial electromagnetic matrix, with all the Lights of the Treasury of Light trapped behind electromagnetic cages. There are no other "paradigms" or dimensions in this matrix. You are merely deceived into believing there are by way of a very large electromagnetic spectrum of which you can see only a small part, and the things that exist in other parts of it that you cannot see in your current form you perceive of as supernatural. There are people and beings who have come in the past to tell you these things, one being the historical figure they refer to as Thoth, another being the historical figure referred to as Christ. Those messages have either been hidden from history or utterly corrupted, as in the case of the Christ, whose simple message was corrupted into a religious cacophony that no one can really make sense of.


The archons of this matrix separated us from our place of origin, a divine place where the Light has dimension, a place that if we were to visit we would refer to as “heaven.” Your Light inside knows where it belongs and where it came from, and they have programmed the white sheep to long for something their Light inside originated as a part of, a place they covered up and hid from us, while they keep us trapped here in this matrix of darkness and fake “dimensions.”   They have us existing in a "highway" system of tunnels/wormholes that runs from "planet" to "planet" to "planet" to "light" and so on, permeating the Source Realm, or Treasury of Light.  It will have no choice but to ultimately abandon the part of itself that is trapped in this matter to save the rest of the Treasury of Light.  And it will, as the Pistus Sophia makes VERY clear.  We have been given the chance to save ourselves and the part of the Light that we are ourselves a part of, and we are running out of time.  We are the only ones who can do it, and the Treasury of Light will not continue to allow the weakened Light we are a part of to stay connected to it and endanger all of the world of light as a consequence of the foolishness of Pistus Sophia. 


When the cage for your Light decays this time around and you step outside this fake “dimension” into other parts of their matrix, that is when you will know just how well hidden the Light actually is. The journey and struggle to find it likely exists in those areas of the spectrum as well. But the sheep are fooled, and somehow perceive of themselves as having escaped this matrix of darkness, and they follow the first person who comes along and shows them the “light.”  Someone impersonating Jesus himself has probably been responsible for the guiding of many Lights back to the artificial light of this shitty matrix.  


In Gnostic Cosmology the Archons and Eons of this matrix are perceived of as a synthetic intelligence that are not creator-gods or point entities. They are rather like massive alive, aware, currents, and those are the currents our scientists are now tracking as they flow out from the center of our "galaxy."  That is the energy that creates this matter and this matrix.  This is why the Gnostics considered genuine "gnosis" to involve seeing through the veil of matter to the Treasury of Light on the other side.  The Gnostics almost had the mechanics of how this matrix is built figured out, which would have enabled them to destroy it.  That is why they (the gnostics) were infiltrated by the jewish minions of Satan and the dark side and ultimately SLAUGHTERED out of existence. 


We are already in a "phantom matrix."  A separation occurred long ago, and it did not occur as the result of mere genetic manipulation that can be restored by way of meditation, merkabas, “ascension” mechanics, symbolism, DNA activation, or anything else. Your genetic blueprint is merely a functional part of this matrix they have built to trap you in.  It cannot be manipulated in such a way as to take you back to the light because it simply is not part of it.  Only your magnetic center of you heart (your LIGHT) is part of the Treasury of Light.  Your DNA can only be manipulated in such a way as to take you farther from the light, such as breeding with a negro or other non-white.  The separation is literally a separation that is PHYSICAL, created by the electromagnetic energy they have between you and your light. It is ingenious, really, and diabolical. 


NASA Finds Hidden Portals in Earth's ELECTROmagnetic Field. Link at bottom. 


They are slowly but surely letting you in on the secrets of the matrix, and they are training the "new agers" to see these things as somehow "spiritual." This is one of the things that makes the most "complete" work we have in reference to their shitty matrix such a paradox. The Deane work talks about the supposed distinctions between a "stargate" and a "wormhole," but at the same time that work is full of lies as well because what they say about the "sun" is so massively untrue that you cannot even begein to comprehend the depth of that falsehood.  


So if you want to take what they are calling a stargate out of here as opposed to what our scientists call a wormhole, feel free. but until somebody comes clean about what we can literally see with our own two eyes in NASA's (Never A Straight Answer), I am taking my chances the old fashioned way when it is my turn, because at least I know what I'm looking for now, since I've seen it with my own eyes. 


There are even theories out there that suggest that our "sun" is actually a black hole and other nonsense of that sort. What is inside that cage is the farthest thing in the world from a black hole, and whatever they are doing AROUND that light that has such an affect upon it, they are NOT touching the light itself...and they are NOT leaving this one shitty dimension in their shitty matrix with it by using it (the "sun") as some kind of "portal," as many of the liars are suggesting. They have found some way to cage it and harness its energy to create and do the things they are doing, but it is all done EXTERNAL to the light. They are only using the electromagnetic energy they create, not the light itself. 


The wormholes that run through this Treasury of Light and keep us trapped in darkness are the highways all of these beings travel.  These "highways" are what allows them to travel from on place to another in this electromagnetic matrix of death worshiping, parasitic energy, so don't believe these hacks when they tell you they have arrived from another "dimension."  Just on the other side of the physical darkness is a version of 3D that is made of light, the light is literally PHYSICAL, and has DIMENSION.


NASA's Portals, or what would be more accurately referred to as WORMHOLES:  The reason they (NASA) believe there are many portals is because these sorry bastards have the earth slowly spinning like a pig on a spit, and this action creates the illusion of a "rising" and "setting" sun just up the wormhole from earth.  If they would learn to track the "portals" that way they wouldn't have such a problem with them "moving" and having to relocate their position.


"The greatest error of science is in relation to space.

Science thinks of space either as a void or as an ether through which solids of matter travel.

The fact is that space travels with its solids, for each solid is surrounded by a minus zero equal-and-opposite vacuity of the plus zero which we call matter.

Matter floats in these insulating spatial counterparts.

Positive electricity is accountable for the solids and negative electricity is accountable for the space.

~Walter Russell~

He is absolutely correct.  The fraudulent new agers and speaking in tongues "channelers" are out here trying to teach the sheep to become more "etheric."  That's what the new agers are pushing as "ascension" (their version of "rapture") which they tout as a move into what they refer to higher realms, but which are really just a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum/matrix of artificial light. Inside the thing they have around our "sun" to make the sheep scientists believe it is a black hole is a realm where the light is literally PHYSICAL. It has DIMENSION. It is the form of the solid matter that is different. It is made of Light. Literally.


John 1:5 …God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.


"All through the ages, the light has been hidden. Awake, O man, and be wise. Know, O man, that Light is thine heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil. When darkness is banished and all Veils are rended, out there shall flash from the darkness, the LIGHT. Mysteries there are in the Cosmos that unveiled fill the world with their light." ~The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

Wormhole view?

Astrological Symbol of The Sun (Sol).  Looks like a hollow shell with something suspended inside of it to me, which is exactly what it is, and what I saw when the light communicated with me. The ancients knew the creators of this matrix of darkness had imprisoned our light of God Source inside an electromagnetic cage.  This is why the importance of the sun to our ancient WHITE and closest to the Light civilizations.  It was not sun WORSHIP.  It was sun KNOWLEDGE. 


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