Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cop Shoots Dead 19-Year-Old Girl In Raid On House Party (Video)

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Cop Shoots Dead 19-Year-Old Girl In Raid On House Party (Video)

There are good police officers, and there bad ones. A Cop Shoots Dead 19-Year-Old Girl In Raid On House Party. "Raw dash cam video: The Boone County Sheriff's office has released dash cam video from Deputy Tyler Brockman's cruiser the night he confronted Samantha Ramsey, 19, as she left a party and fatally shot her four times." WLWT



Watch the Story by WLWT "Samantha Ramsey's family and friends held a vigil on River Road in Hebron Sunday night in the spot where she was fatally shot by a Boone County deputy early Saturday morning."


The Full Video

Distress Warning! Judgement To Fall On America!

Distress Warning! Judgement To Fall On America! Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the distress of those days "'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'

Subway Removes Ham, Bacon From Nearly 200 Stores, Offers Halal Meat After 'Strong Outrage' From Muslims (Video)

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Subway Removes Ham, Bacon From Nearly 200 Stores, Offers Halal Meat After 'Strong Outrage' From Muslims (Video)



By Josey Wales 


185 Subway branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat Halal refers to objects or actions permissible under Islamic law Pork is forbidden and while other meat can be eaten, it must be sourced, slaughtered and processed according to strict rules Subway said all halal meat served in its branches has come from animals that were stunned before being slaughtered Halal-only menu is in response to 'strong demand' from Muslim customers.




While I'm sure many people will see no harm in this decision by Subway, others will be very concerned by this decision. The islamization of the world is taking place. It's Ham in Europe and the Pledge Of Allegiance in American schools. 





HS Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ‘One Nation Under Allah’



At Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.

The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”

Principal Tom Lopez denies any attempt to push an Islamic agenda, saying, “These students love this country. They were not being un-American in trying to do this. They believed they were accentuating the meaning of the words as spoken regularly in English.”




Given their youth, the high school students might understandably not recognize the problems with proclaiming America as “one nation under Allah.” The grownups should and they ought to be controlling the activity.


The Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR chimed in saying, “Obviously in Arabic, you would use the word Allah, but Christian Arabs would use the word Allah.” Their spokesperson, Ibrahim Hooper, claimed use of the word Allah is “not necessarily specific to Islam and Muslims.” From an American point of view, it is, whether he is technically correct or not, to Americans, in America, it’s a specific Muslim and Islamic reference.


CAIR representative Hooper told Fox News he was dumbfounded by complaints about the Arabic version of the pledge.


“How on earth is it un-American to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in another language,” Hooper asked. “It doesn’t make sense unless the people complaining are anti-Muslim or anti-middle eastern bigots.”


It just might be that Americans recognize the Islamic agenda, Mr. Hooper, and are tired of having it forced upon them. Maybe we know what you are up to and people are pushing back.


Critical Reads: More News Mainstream Media Chooses To Ignore By josey Wales, Click Here! 



Distress Warning! Judgement To Fall On America!

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Distress Warning! Judgement To Fall On America!

Distress Warning! Judgement To Fall On America! Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the distress of those days "'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'

FBI Stops Another Bombing Plot! (Another One That They Were Helping Out With)

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

FBI Stops Another Bombing Plot! (Another One That They Were Helping Out With)

FBI Stops Another Bombing Plot! (Another One That They Were Helping Out With)


MH370: Are They Really Looking For The Missing Plane? (Video News Report)

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

MH370: Are They Really Looking For The Missing Plane? (Video News Report)

By Susan Duclos
As the news report below will show, on March 31st, 2014 and again on April 4, 2014, a company by the name of GeoResonance found wreckage from what appears to be a plane they think could be the missing Malaysia Flight 370. The company admits it may be another plane, they are not stating it is definitively MH370, just that it is plane wreckage, worthy of investigating. 
According to the details, the company says it followed up with a full report on April 15, 2014.
Yet, no new search area was assigned to the location GeoResonance has pinpointed using their technology, because authorities in charge of the search are "relying on information from satellite and other data to determine the missing aircraft's location," and " is not within the search arc derived from this data."
Considering the failure of authorities to find anything in the areas they deem are credible areas, that can be connected to Malaysia Flight 370, it begs the question of why those in charge of the search are not following up on all and any leads that perhaps could locate the missing plane.


GeoResonance said it analyzes super-weak electromagnetic fields captured by airborne multispectral images.

"The company is not declaring this is MH370, however it should be investigated," GeoResonance said in a statement.

The company's director, David Pope, said he did not want to go public with the information at first, but his information was disregarded.

"We're a large group of scientists, and we were being ignored, and we thought we had a moral obligation to get our findings to the authorities," he told CNN's "New Day" on Tuesday.


Are they really searching for it or is it all an illusion to convince the general populace that they are searching but actually do not want it found, for whatever reason?


According to the same report, it wasn't until GeoResonance went public with their information that "Malaysian authorities contacted GeoResonance," and were "very interested, very excited" about the findings, Pope said.






Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America



Sgt. Maj. Page to St. Louis Oath Keepers: The End of American Sovereignty & Constitutional Rights

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Sgt. Maj. Page to St. Louis Oath Keepers: The End of American Sovereignty & Constitutional Rights

Sargent Major Dan Page, speaking to the St. Louis/St. Charles, Missouri Chapter of Oath Keepers, explains how they plan to end American sovereignty and the Constitution, establishing martial law and merging the U.S. with the New World Order.

File:Constitution of the United States, page 1.jpg

Is Freedom Of Speech Dead? Even Morons Have First Amendment Rights!

By Susan Duclos
Fabian4Liberty changes his planned discussion from real estate to discuss the recent banning of Clippers owner Donald Sterling by the NBA, and calls it a major hit against free speech rights as well as questioning the legality of banning him, forcing him to sell his business, because of ignorant, stupid remarks recorded by his Latino/black girlfriend and made public.
As Fabian points out, starting at the 1:04 minute mark in the video below, the comments were offensive, ignorant, stupid, and any other number of adjectives thrown at him for his remarks, which a video/audio of those remarks will be shown below the Fabian4Liberty video, but they still fall under the right of free speech. Especially private free speech, which without his permission was made public.
If this NBA ban is enforced, then as the title of the video states below, free speech is in real trouble. Free speech protects even stupid, offensive speech as long as it isn't meant to incite violence.
Another point made is that the free market can take care of this all by itself. Fans can stop going to games, sponsors can, and some have, drop their contracts, players can get out of contracts.
Listen to the rest below.







Cross posted at  Wake up America


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

With A Piece Of Chalk - JuBaFilms

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

With A Piece Of Chalk - JuBaFilms

Sgt. Maj. Page to St. Louis Oath Keepers: The End of American Sovereignty & Constitutional Rights

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Sgt. Maj. Page to St. Louis Oath Keepers: The End of American Sovereignty & Constitutional Rights

Sargent Major Dan Page, speaking to the St. Louis/St. Charles, Missouri Chapter of Oath Keepers, explains how they plan to end American sovereignty and the Constitution, establishing martial law and merging the U.S. with the New World Order.

File:Constitution of the United States, page 1.jpg

Hollywood's Dark Secret - The Hidden World Behind Hollywood

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Hollywood's Dark Secret - The Hidden World Behind Hollywood

Hollywood's Dark Secret - The Hidden World Behind Hollywood

Monday, April 28, 2014

X22Report: The Economic Recovery Is Falling Apart, Be Prepared For An Event

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

X22Report: The Economic Recovery Is Falling Apart, Be Prepared For An Event

X22Report "The Canadian housing bubble looks like its worse than American's housing bubble. Pending home sales in America rise but still down 7.9% from a year ago. Oath Keeper's states Attorney General Eric Holder has approved drone strikes against the Bundy ranch."

They Want this Footage Banned Worldwide, See Why! - Video Footage!

Justin Bieber Viciously Stabbed In Back By Crazed Fan (WARNING GRAPHIC)

Crazily enough back in April of 2012, Justin Bieber was stabbed in the back by a gaggle of screaming fangirls in what can only be described as a scene from Julius Caesar, but instead of Senators overly perfumed, heavily mascara wearing women were present.

Standayja Jenkins, aged 28, allegedly organized that attack on Bieber as she claimed he was not accepting the fact he was her ‘baby daddy’.  The shocking news has sent chills through Hollywood and has caused Selena Gomez to check into Cedars Sinai hospital for a bad case of anxiety.




The gaggle of women managed to all escape, aside from Ms. Jenkins who is now calling herself Madame Brutus.  It remains unknown if Bieber ever accepted his new job as baby daddy.


Jesse Ventura - Why Wasn't Osama Bin Laden Charged with a Crime?

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Jesse Ventura - Why Wasn't Osama Bin Laden Charged with a Crime?

The Governor takes on questions and comments from YOU — his vigilant viewers — on his controversial Book of the Month pick. In this exclusive clip, Jesse poses a question too few have been willing to ask: why wasn't Osama Bin Laden indicted and charged with a crime if he was in fact responsible for the 9/11 attacks? 

They Want this Footage Banned Worldwide, See Why! - Video Footage!

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

They Want this Footage Banned Worldwide, See Why! - Video Footage!

Justin Bieber Viciously Stabbed In Back By Crazed Fan (WARNING GRAPHIC)

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Justin Bieber Viciously Stabbed In Back By Crazed Fan (WARNING GRAPHIC)

Crazily enough back in April of 2012, Justin Bieber was stabbed in the back by a gaggle of screaming fangirls in what can only be described as a scene from Julius Caesar, but instead of Senators overly perfumed, heavily mascara wearing women were present.

Standayja Jenkins, aged 28, allegedly organized that attack on Bieber as she claimed he was not accepting the fact he was her ‘baby daddy’.  The shocking news has sent chills through Hollywood and has caused Selena Gomez to check into Cedars Sinai hospital for a bad case of anxiety.


The gaggle of women managed to all escape, aside from Ms. Jenkins who is now calling herself Madame Brutus.  It remains unknown if Bieber ever accepted his new job as baby daddy.


This Mighty Mite Runs At Equivalent Of 1300 Miles Per Hour

Move over, Australian tiger beetle. There’s a new runner in town.


Relative to its size, a Southern California mite runs faster than any other animal, also thrives in temperatures that would kill most other animals


Although the mite Paratarsotomus macropalpis is no bigger than a sesame seed, it was recently recorded running at up to 322 body lengths per second, a measure of speed that reflects how quickly an animal moves relative to its body size. The previous record-holder, the Australian tiger beetle, tops out at 171 body lengths per second. By comparison, a cheetah running at 60 miles per hour attains only about 16 body lengths per second.



Paratarsotomus macropalpi


Credit: Samuel Rubin (W.M. Keck Science Center, Pitzer College), Dr. J.C. Wright Laboratory (Department Of Biology, Pomona College), The Claremont University Consortium, Claremont, CA.


Extrapolated to the size of a human, the mite’s speed is equivalent to a person running roughly 1300 miles per hour.


The California college student who spent a summer chasing down the remarkable mites says the discovery is exciting not only because it sets a new world record, but also for what it reveals about the physiology of movement and the physical limitations of living structures.


“It’s so cool to discover something that’s faster than anything else, and just to imagine, as a human, going that fast compared to your body length is really amazing,” said Samuel Rubin, a junior and physics major at Pitzer College who led much of the fieldwork to document the mite’s movements. “But beyond that, looking deeper into the physics of how they accomplish these speeds could help inspire revolutionary new designs for things like robots or biomimetic devices.”


Rubin’s advisor, Jonathan Wright, Ph.D., a professor of biology at Pomona College, became interested in the mites while studying the effect of muscle biochemistry on how quickly animals can move their legs. But it wasn’t until Rubin and other students documented the mites’ running speeds in their natural environment that the research team knew they had found a new world record.


Both relative speed and stride frequency increase as animals get smaller, and in theory, muscle physiology should at some point limit how fast a leg can move. “We were looking at the overarching question of whether there is an upper limit to the relative speed or stride frequency that can be achieved,” said Wright. “When the values for mites are compared with data from other animals, they indicate that, if there is an upper limit, we haven't found it yet.”


The mite is local to Southern California and is often found running along rocks or sidewalks. Although it was first identified in 1916, little is known about its habits or food sources.


The research team used high-speed cameras to record the mites’ sprints in the laboratory and in their natural environment. “It was actually quite difficult to catch them, and when we were filming outside, you had to follow them incredibly quickly as the camera’s field of view is only about 10 centimeters across,” said Rubin.


The research team was also surprised to find the mites running on concrete up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius), a temperature significantly higher than the upper lethal temperature of most animals. “They’re operating at temperatures that seem to preclude activities of any other animal group. We’ve seen them running where there were no other animals visibly active,” said Wright.


The mites also are adept at stopping and changing directions extremely quickly, attributes the researchers are investigating further for potential insights that may be relevant to bioengineering applications.



Contacts and sources:

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

WW3 Begins While US Military Cuts - Build Up Of Police State In US

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

WW3 Begins While US Military Cuts - Build Up Of Police State In US

"At the same time that the World is deciding to build up tensions for WW3, which the U S has been doing for some months. At that same time, we are CUTTING military and fighting forces around the Globe. US military always plans for future tactics since it is the same Elite who plan that control. They have been, on the other hand, extensively building forces on the ground WITHIN America as a HUGE police force is being created. What are they up to? We as Americans must decide if we are going to ALLOW these thieves and destroyers to run our country. Or will we take it back? "


2014 FULL Seven Round NFL Mock Draft 4-28-14


Here is our seven round NFL mock draft. It’s not written by me, it’s authored by a website reader who wishes to remain anonymous. I will tell you he puts a whole lot of work into it. And of course because a seven round NFL mock draft is a ton of work. And this version is even improved and augmented

As always, here’s my latest NFL mock draft; which is only one round, but goes into detail on every pick in the first round. I’ll be updating it a lot more frequently, as I have a few sports talk radio spots scheduled between now and the draft. To book me for some NFL Draft talk, email me at and/or tweet me @paulmbanks

And check out the list of the select group of players invited to NFL Draft night.


Seven round NFL mock draft, round  1

HOUSTON: Jadeveon Clowney (DE South Carolina)

ST LOUIS: Khalil Mack (LB/DE Buffalo)


CLEVELAND: Sammy Watkins (WR Clemson)

OAKLAND: Derek Carr (QB Fresno St.)

ATLANTA: Greg Robinson (OL Auburn)

TAMPA BAY: Mike Evans (WR Texas A & M)


BUFFALO: Jake Matthews (OL Texas A & M)

DETROIT: Justin Gilbert (CB Oklahoma St.)

TENNESSEE: Darquezze Dennard (CB Michigan St.)

GIANTS: Eric Ebron (TE North Carolina)

ST LOUIS: Taylor Lewan (OL Michigan)

CHICAGO: Aaron Donald (DT Pitt)

PITTSBURGH: Bradley Roby (CB Ohio St.)

BALTIMORE: Calvin Pryor (S Louisville)

DALLAS: Tim Jernigan (DT FSU)

JETS: Brandin Cooks (WR Oregon St.)

MIAMI: Zach Martin (OL Notre Dame)

ARIZONA: Dee Ford (DE Auburn)

GREEN BAY: Haha Clinton Dix (S Alabama)


KANSAS CITY: Xavier Sua Filo (OL UCLA)

CINCINNATI: Kony Ealy (DE Missouri)

SAN DIEGO: Louis Nix (DT Notre Dame)

CLEVELAND: Johnny Manziel (QB Texas A & M)

NEW ORLEANS: Ryan Shazier (LB Ohio St.)

CAROLINA: Kelvin Benjamin (WR FSU)

NEW ENGLAND: Jace Amaro (TE Texas Tech)

SAN FRANCISCO: Kyle Fuller (CB Virginia Tech)

DENVER: CJ Mosley (LB Alabama)

SEATTLE: Morgan Moses (OL Virginia)


Seven round NFL mock draft, round  2

HOUSTON: Teddy Bridgewater (QB Louisville)

WASHINGTON: Stephon Tuitt (DE Notre Dame)

CLEVELAND: David Yankey (OL Stanford)

OAKLAND: Marquise Lee (WR USC)

ATLANTA: Austin Serferian Jenkins (TE Washington)

TAMPA BAY: Jimmy Garoppolo (QB Eastern Illinois)

JACKSONVILLE: Carlos Hyde (RB Ohio St.)

MINNESOTA: Zach Mettenberger (QB LSU)

BUFFALO: Jason Verrett (CB TCU)

TENNESSEE: Tre Mason (RB Auburn)

GIANTS: Scott Crichton (DE Oregon St.)

ST LOUIS: Jordan Matthews (WR Vanderbilt)

DETROIT: Jimmie Ward (S Northern Illinois)

PITTSBURGH: Rashead Hagemann (DT Minnesota)

DALLAS: Bashaud Breeland (CB Clemson)

BALTIMORE: Joe Botonio (OL Nevada)

JETS: Dion Bailey (S USC)

MIAMI: Anthony Johnson (DT LSU)

CHICAGO: Deone Bucannon (S Washington St.)

ARIZONA: Carl Bradford (LB Arizona St.)

GREEN BAY: Trent Murphy (LB Stanford)

PHILADELPHIA: Marcus Roberson (CB Florida)

SAN FRANCISCO: Kareem Martin (DE North Carolina)

CINCINNATI: Loucheiz Purifoy (CB Florida)

SAN DIEGO: Kyle Van Noy (LB BYU)

INDIANAPOLIS: Shayne Skov (LB Stanford)

NEW ORLEANS: Jeremiah Attaochu (DE Georgia Tech)

CAROLINA: Gabe Jackson (OL Mississippi St.)

SAN FRANCISCO: Davante Adams (WR Fresno St.)

NEW ENGLAND: Jarvis Landry (WR LSU)

DENVER: Cyrus Kouandijo (OL Alabama)

SEATTLE: Allen Robinson (WR Penn St.)


Seven round NFL mock draft, round  3

HOUSTON: Jeremy Hill (RB LSU)

WASHINGTON: Chris Borland (LB Wisconsin)

OAKLAND: Will Sutton (DT Arizona St.)

ATLANTA: Christian Jones (LB FSU)

TAMPA BAY: Daquan Jones (DT Penn St.)

JACKSONVILLE: Demarcus Lawrence (DE Boise St.)

CLEVELAND: Jaylen Watkins (CB Florida)

MINNESOTA: Ego Ferguson (DT LSU)

BUFFALO: Ahmad Dixon (S Baylor)

GIANTS: Antonio Richardson (OL Tennessee)

ST LOUIS: AJ Mccarron (QB Alabama)

DETROIT: Weston Richburg (OL Colorado St.)

SAN FRANCISCO: Dontae Johnson (CB North Carolina St.)

DALLAS: George Uko (DT USC)

BALTIMORE: Marcus Smith (DE Louisville)

JETS: Keith Mcgill (CB Utah)

MIAMI: Troy Niklas (TE Notre Dame)

CHICAGO: Stanley Jean Baptiste (CB Nebraska)

CLEVELAND: Lamarcus Joyner (S FSU)

ARIZONA: Terrence Brooks (S FSU)

GREEN BAY: Tajh Boyd (QB Clemson)

PHILADELPHIA: Jordan Tripp (LB Montana)

KANSAS CITY: Cody Latimer (WR Indiana)

CINCINNATI: Aaron Murray (QB Georgia)

SAN DIEGO: Jackson Jeffcoat (DE Texas)

INDIANAPOLIS: Cyril Richardson (OL Baylor)

NEW ORLEANS: Martavius Bryant (WR Clemson)

CAROLINA: Marcus Martin (OL USC)

NEW ENGLAND: Kelcy Quarles (DT South Carolina)

SAN FRANCISCO: Cameron Fleming (OL Stanford)

DENVER: Travis Swanson (OL Arkansas)

MINNESOTA: Dominique Easley (DE Florida)

PITTSBURGH: Donte Moncrief (WR Ole Miss)

GREEN BAY: Paul Richardson (WR Colorado)

BALTIMORE: Pierre Desir (CB Lindenwood)



Seven round NFL mock draft, round  4

HOUSTON: Justin Ellis (DT Louisiana Tech)

WASHINGTON: Dezmen Southward (S Wisconsin)

ATLANTA: Tre Boston (S North Carolina)

JETS: Ed Reynolds (S Stanford)

JACKSONVILLE: Walt Aikens (CB Liberty)

CLEVELAND: Caraun Reid (DT Princeton)

OAKLAND: Antone Exum (S Virginia Tech)

MINNESOTA: Lache Seastrunk (RB Baylor)

BUFFALO: Telvin Smith (LB FSU)

ST LOUIS: Rashaad Reynolds (CB Oregon St.)

DETROIT: Dri Archer (WR/RB Kent St.)

TENNESSEE: Logan Thomas (QB Virginia Tech)

GIANTS: Daniel Mccullers (DT Tennessee)


JETS: Brandon Coleman (WR Rutgers)

MIAMI: Josh Huff (WR Oregon)

CHICAGO: Brandon Linder (OL Miami)

PITTSBURGH: Taylor Hart (DE Oregon) (moved him down from 3rd to 4th)

DALLAS: David Fales (QB San Jose St.)

ARIZONA: Anthony Steen (OL Alabama)

GREEN BAY: EJ Gaines (CB Missouri)

PHILADELPHIA: Billy Turner (OL North Dakota St.)

CINCINNATI: Dakota Dozier (OL Furman)

KANSAS CITY: CJ Fiedorowicz (TE Iowa)

SAN DIEGO: Jared Abbrederis (WR Wisconsin)

NEW ORLEANS: Juwuan James (OL Tennessee) (moved him down from 3rd to 4th)

CLEVELAND: Brandon Thomas (OL Clemson)

CAROLINA: Phillip Gaines (CB Rice)

SAN FRANCISCO: Seantrel Henderson (OL Miami)

NEW ENGLAND: Bishop Sankey (RB Washington)

DENVER: Jerick Mckinnon (RB Georgia Southern)

SEATTLE: Michael Sam (DE Missouri)

DETROIT: Chris Smith (DE Arkansas)

BALTIMORE: Terrence West (RB Towson)

HOUSTON: Jack Mewhort (OL Ohio St.)

DETROIT: Khairi Fortt (LB Cal)

JETS: Jon Halapio (OL Florida)

BALTIMORE: Yawin Smallwood (LB Connecticut)

ATLANTA: Will Clarke (DE West Virginia)

NEW ENGLAND: Larry Webster (DE Bloomsburg)


Seven round NFL mock draft, round  5

HOUSTON: Lamir Barrow (LB LSU)

WASHINGTON: Chris Watts (OL Notre Dame)

TAMPA BAY: Laurent Duvernay Tardif (OL Mcgill)

JACKSONVILLE: Robert Herron (WR Wyoming)

CLEVELAND: Andre Williams (RB Boston College)

SEATTLE: Zach Kerr (DT Delaware)

ATLANTA: Cody Hoffman (WR BYU) (moved him down from 3rd to 5th)

MINNESOTA: Mike Davis (WR Texas)

BUFFALO: Xavier Grimble (TE USC)

JACKSONVILLE: Ben Gardner (DE Stanford)

TENNESSEE: Deandre Coleman (DT Cal)

GIANTS: Devin Street (WR Pitt)

ST LOUIS: Andrew Jackson (LB Western Kentucky)

JETS: James Gayle (DE Virginia Tech)

MIAMI: Devonta Freeman (RB FSU)

CHICAGO: Deanthony Thomas (RB Oregon)

PITTSBURGH: James Hurst (OL North Carolina)

JACKSONVILLE: Tyler Larsen (OL Utah St.)

DALLAS: Adrian Hubbard (LB Alabama)

ARIZONA: Richard Rodgers (TE Cal)

GREEN BAY: Bryan Stork (OL FSU)

PHILADELPHIA: Bruce Ellington (WR South Carolina)

KANSAS CITY: Charles Sims (RB West Virginia)

CINCINNATI: Jordan Zumwalt (LB UCLA)

SAN DIEGO: Brent Urban (DT Virginia)

INDIANAPOLIS: Gabe Ikard (OL Oklahoma)

NEW ORLEANS: Victor Hampton (CB South Carolina)

CAROLINA: Kapri Bibbs (RB Colorado St.)

NEW ORLEANS: Shaquil Barrett (LB Colorado St.)

SAN FRANCISCO: Ed Stinston (DE Alabama)

DENVER: Aaron Colvin (CB Oklahoma)

SEATTLE: Lorenzo Taliaferra (RB Coastal Carolina)

PITTSBURGH: Joe Don Duncan (TE Dixie St.)

GIANTS: Kenny Ladler (S Vanderbilt)

BALTIMORE: Jeff Janis (WR Saginaw Valley)

GREEN BAY: Kadeem Carey (RB Arizona)

detroit lions cheerleader-seven-round-nfl-mock-draft

Seven round NFL mock draft, round  6

HOUSTON: Tevin Reese (WR Baylor)

WASHINGTON: Arthur Lynch (TE Georgia)

JACKSONVILLE: Shamar Stephen (DT Connecticut)

CLEVELAND: Carrington Byndom (CB Texas)

HOUSTON: Terrance Mitchell (CB Oregon)

ATLANTA: Brett Smith (QB Wyoming)

CHICAGO: Marcel Jensen (TE Fresno St.)

MINNESOTA: Isaiah Lewis (S Michigan St.)

TAMPA BAY: Tyler Starr (LB South Dakota)

TENNESSEE: Matt Hazel (WR Coastal Carolina)

GIANTS: Preston Brown (LB Louisville)

ST LOUIS: Marques Huff (S Wyoming)

DETROIT: James Wilder Jr. (RB FSU)

MIAMI: Charles Leno (OL Boise St.)

CHICAGO: Tom Savage (QB Pitt)

PITTSBURGH: Damante Horton (CB Washington St.)

BALTIMORE: Jonathan Dowling (S Western Kentucky)

KANSAS CITY: Kevin Norwood (WR Alabama)

JETS: Kadeem Edwards (OL Tennessee St.)

ARIZONA: Trevor Reilly (DE Utah)

GREEN BAY: Ryan Carrethers (DT Arkansas St.)

NEW ENGLAND: Andre Hal (CB Vanderbilt)

KANSAS CITY: Brock Jensen (QB North Dakota St.)

CINCINNATI: Calvin Barnett (DT Oklahoma St.)

SAN DIEGO: Stephen Morris (QB Miami)

INDIANAPOLIS: Brock Vereen (S Minnesota)

NEW ORLEANS: James Franklin (QB Missouri)

CAROLINA: Austin Franklin (WR New Mexico St.)

NEW ENGLAND: Justin Britt (OL Missouri)


DENVER: Ethan Westbrooks (DE West Texas A & M)

SEATTLE: AC Leonard (TE Tennessee St.)

JETS: Jonathan Brown (LB Illinois)

JETS: Dustin Vaughan (QB West Texas A & M)

HOUSTON: Ty Zimmerman (S Kansas St.)

CINCINNATI: Hakeem Smith (S Louisville)

JETS: David Fluellen (RB Toledo)

ST LOUIS: Bene Benkewiere (CB San Jose St.)

PITTSBURGH: Storm Johnson (RB UCF)


Seven round NFL mock draft, round  7

HOUSTON: Ross Cockrell (CB Duke)

WASHINGTON: Quandon Christian (LB Clemson)

JACKSONVILLE: Crockett Gillmore (TE Colorado St.)

CLEVELAND: Denicos Allen (LB Michigan St.)

OAKLAND: Scott Simonson (TE Assumption)

ATLANTA: Terrence Fede (DE Marist)

TAMPA BAY: Anthony Dean (WR Southwestern Minnesota St.)

MINNESOTA: Bronson Irwin (OL Oklahoma)

BUFFALO: Isaiah Twitty (LB Northwestern Iowa)

TENNESSEE: Quayshawne Buckley (DT Idaho)

CAROLINA: Dexter Moody (S Albany St.)

ST LOUIS: Henry Josey (RB Missouri)

DETROIT: Keith Wenning (QB Ball St.)

MIAMI: Josh Mauro (DE Stanford)

DALLAS: Cassius Marsh (DE UCLA)

PITTSBURGH: Justin Anderson (LB Louisiana-Lafayette)

INDIANAPOLIS: Glen Clinton (RB Chadron St.)

DALLAS: Morgan Breslin (DE USC)

JETS: Gator Hoskins (TE Marshall)

OAKLAND: BJ Stevens (LB California Univ. of Pennsylvania)

GREEN BAY: Rob Blanchflower (TE UMASS)

PHILADELPHIA: Nick Addison (S Bethune Cookman)

DALLAS: Alden Darby (S Arizona St.)

CINCINNATI: Jared Singleton (OL Wofford)

SAN DIEGO: Brandon Oliver (RB Buffalo)

INDIANAPOLIS: Shawn Jackson (LB Tulsa)

SAN FRANCISCO: Jordan Lynch (QB Northern Illinois)

SAN FRANCISCO: Antonio Andrews (RB Western Kentucky)

NEW ENGLAND: Chase Rettig (QB Boston College)

SAN FRANCISCO: Kyle Schuck (WR Morningside Iowa)

DENVER: Pierre Warren (S Jacksonville St.)

OAKLAND: Torrence Allen (WR West Texas A & M)

DALLAS: Marcus Whitfield (LB Maryland)

ST LOUIS: Jamey Cheatwood (OL Coastal Carolina)

ST LOUIS: John Brown (WR Pittsburg St.)

DALLAS: Mike Pennel (DT Colorado St. Pueblo)

CINCINNATI: Zach Moore (DE Concordia St. Paul)

ATLANTA: Zach Orr (LB North Texas)

DALLAS: Matt Hall (OL Belhaven)

ATLANTA: Craig Watts (OL West Texas A & M)

HOUSTON: Ryan Corbin (TE Southwestern Oklahoma St.)

Our 2014 NFL mock draft is over. Hey thanks for coming! It’s listed in the Walter Football database, FF Toolbox, Hail Redskins and DC Pro Sports Report mock database

Follow paulmbanks

The post 2014 FULL Seven Round NFL Mock Draft 4-28-14 appeared first on The Sports Bank.Net.

Putin and Obama Go on Dr. Phil Show

You would think a red diaper baby who spent his entire life surrounded by communists who get along with a former KGB officer who has set about reconstituting the Soviet Union. But even though he has more flexibility now, Obama is having difficulties with Putin, at least ostensibly:

On a tip from Bill T. Hat tip: BizPac Review.

5 Beauty Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

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5 Beauty Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

5 Beauty Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

You know that you can use apple cider vinegar for green cleaning or even internally for health, but did you know that there are some handy beauty uses for apple cider vinegar too?

The more I learn about apple cider vinegar (ACV), the more I become convinced that it is made of magic. Seriously, is there anything that ACV or baking soda can’t fix? I use apple cider vinegar in my cooking, mix a tablespoon into glasses of water when I’m trying to beat a cold, and use it to make pickles when our CSA sends too many veggies for us to eat.

It almost makes sense that you can take your bottle of ACV out of the kitchen for even more uses, doesn’t it? Check out these beauty uses for apple cider vinegar!

5 Beauty Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Hair Rinse – Even if you don’t do the no ‘poo thing, you hair can still benefit from the occasional ACV rinse. The gentle acids in the vinegar help break down buildup. Just mix about 1 teaspoon ACV into a cup of water, and massage into your hair from scalp to ends. Rinse thoroughly in the shower. Your hair may have a slight vinegar smell for about an hour after you do this, so plan accordingly!

2. Vinegar Foot Soak – Treat your feet! An ACV food soak might not smell super great, but it’s excellent for softening your skin. Combine a gallon of warm water with 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, and soak away! If you want, you can add essential oils to help mask the vinegar smell and leave your feet smelling great.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar Toner – ACV helps balance the acids on your skin to make you more resistant to acne. Skinacea has a simple recipe for making DIY ACV toner that will leave your skin healthy and radiant.

4. Give Razor Burn the Boot – Apply ACV directly to razor burned skin to help kill bacteria that’s contributing to the rash. Need more razor burn remedies? Check out this list of natural remedies for razor burn!

5. Whiten Teeth Naturally – Instead of using mouth wash, try swishing a mixture of 1 part ACV and 2 parts water before you brush your teeth. The the vinegar helps gently fight stains, leaving your teeth whiter without harmful chemicals. I wouldn’t recommend swishing with full-strength vinegar, because the acid could damage your tooth enamel. Make sure your brush right afterwards, as well, to get any leftover vinegar off of your teeth.

Image Credit: ACV photo via Shutterstock

The post 5 Beauty Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar appeared first on Feelgood Style.

WW3 Begins While US Military Cuts - Build Up Of Police State In US

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WW3 Begins While US Military Cuts - Build Up Of Police State In US

"At the same time that the World is deciding to build up tensions for WW3, which the U S has been doing for some months. At that same time, we are CUTTING military and fighting forces around the Globe. US military always plans for future tactics since it is the same Elite who plan that control. They have been, on the other hand, extensively building forces on the ground WITHIN America as a HUGE police force is being created. What are they up to? We as Americans must decide if we are going to ALLOW these thieves and destroyers to run our country. Or will we take it back? "


Putin and Obama Go on Dr. Phil Show

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Putin and Obama Go on Dr. Phil Show

You would think a red diaper baby who spent his entire life surrounded by communists who get along with a former KGB officer who has set about reconstituting the Soviet Union. But even though he has more flexibility now, Obama is having difficulties with Putin, at least ostensibly:

On a tip from Bill T. Hat tip: BizPac Review.

Secret Recording: 'Don't Bring Black People To My Games' - Clippers Owner To Racially Mixed Girlfriend (Video)

By Susan Duclos
Via TMZ, the video below is a recording between L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his Latino/Black girlfriend where the Clippers' owner goes on a racist rant that leaves no one in doubt as to his extraoridinary racist views, when he informs her she can be friends with black people, in private, but he does not want her to bring blacks to his games or associate with them on Instagram or in any public format. He even tells her she can "sleep" with 'them" but she shouldn't allow herself to be connected to them publicly.
After listening to Mr. Sterling, in the full recorded conversation below, people should clearly see the difference between manufactured howls of "racism," and the real thing.





Cross posted at  Wake up America


Are You Living In Fear Based On Your Past?

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Are You Living In Fear Based On Your Past?

by: Lorna Blake

'fear I was listening to Gary Quinn, Abundance Coach to the Stars, as he discussed this topic. And he said most of us are living our lives based on our past. What happened in our last relationship, our last job, our last experience with, fill in the blank?

Does that resonate with you? I got goose bumps when I heard it because it made perfect sense to me. Been there and done that.

Anyway Gary Quinn suggests that if you keep holding on to the fear you’ll create exactly the reality that you don’t want. He recommends bringing yourself into the present moment. And what I got from that was the importance of being present in the right now.

I read Eckhart Tolle ’s “The Power of Now” and it’s helped me become more mindful of the times that I’m not present. Have you ever done an activity and you were so far away in your mind you forgot you had done it? Ever driven and been so preoccupied you went right past where you were supposed to go? That demonstrates you’re someplace else. Come to the present moment. Breathe.

Gary Quinn talks about tapping into the reality of a different future. That you let go of the past and forgive yourself. I’d like to add: forgive those who you feel may have wronged you.

He suggests that you create a statement that makes you feel great. I recommend using these present tense statements to develop a blueprint for what you want.

To do this look at your life and get clear on what you want. Plan for what you want instead of what you don’t want.

Experience the feeling of what you want and live in that feeling all the time.


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Tips for Buying Power Juicers for Fresh Juicing And Enjoying The Full Benefits of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

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Tips for Buying Power Juicers for Fresh Juicing And Enjoying The Full Benefits of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

If you or a member of your family find it difficult to include a substantial amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, juicing provides the perfect solution for fussy eaters and veggie haters. Juicing a variety of fruits and vegetables is a great way to supplement a large amount of vitamins, minerals and healthy enzymes into your diet.

Electric power juicers can be found in almost every health-conscious kitchen and they come in a wide variety of sizes, styles and price ranges. Deciding on the correct one for your needs can be confusing as there are so many different kinds. Centrifugal juicers, single auger juicers, Lalanne juicers, masticating juicers and manual juicers are all available from most appliance stores.

Source :

Putin and Obama Go on Dr. Phil Show

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Putin and Obama Go on Dr. Phil Show

You would think a red diaper baby who spent his entire life surrounded by communists who get along with a former KGB officer who has set about reconstituting the Soviet Union. But even though he has more flexibility now, Obama is having difficulties with Putin, at least ostensibly:

On a tip from Bill T. Hat tip: BizPac Review.

How Meditation Can Unlock An Artistic Universe

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How Meditation Can Unlock An Artistic Universe


Artist Lia Chavez exists somewhere in the beautiful intersection of performance art, meditation and neuroscience. Known for her durational meditative performances, intense bouts of introspection that can last up to 10 hours, she explores what she deems “interior optics” or a series of otherworldly visions accessed by depriving herself of light for prolonged periods of time.

Essentially, she slips into deep states of reflection (theta rhythms), blindfolded, and attempts to capture the visions she perceives in the void of her own mind. To do so, she positions herself atop large pieces of paper, recording the images with paint, charcoal or ink as she meditates. She likens the process to Hubble Ultra-Deep Field imagery which collects the light of luminous objects in the void of galaxies beyond. Her explosive mental imaginings resemble electricity, clouds, firebolts and stars, drawing an eerie parallel between the mysteries of outer and inner space.


Carceri 11, 2013, 72 X 113 in Photo Courtesy of Two Rams

Chavez’s collected drawings are on view at New York City’s Two Rams Gallery until April 5, 2014. We recently chatted with the artist to discuss her mesmerizing process and how meditation enforces her artistic output:

Could you take me through your process? What type of preparation precedes the sensory deprivation?

For the “Carceri” works, I set up a variety of mark-making implements — among them acrylic paint, charcoal, conte, oil pastel, ink, graphite — alongside the edge of a large sheet of delicate Japanese paper in a random, chaotic order. I then sit on the surface of the paper. I blindfold myself and insert the earplugs. As the process is rooted in performance, it requires intense focus for several hours. Any given piece can last from six to 10 hours during which my perception of light and sound are blocked. I take no breaks. I’ve trained my body to inhabit this state for long durations of time with a carefully timed eating and drinking regimen. Usually the preparation period for a piece or series of pieces will last several weeks until the rhythms of my body have adjusted and I can comfortably and joyfully sit for up to 10 hours without taking a break.

I begin by blindly selecting a utensil from the wide array strewn along the paper’s edge. Then I begin to meditate, connecting with my breath and stilling my mind. As I delve deeply into the expansive silence of interior space, I can sense when my mind enters a theta brain wave state because I begin to experience vibrant interior optics in my mind’s eye. Sometimes the visions occur in rapid sequence and at other times, I will sit on the page, watchful and waiting through what feels like an infinite void. Sometimes they form gradually, and at others, they appear to be seared by fire upon my mind’s eye. Each individual vision forms the dictate of a mark I make on the paper. When I sense that a phase of the meditation has passed (similar to the way in which meteorological systems dramatically disintegrate), I blindly choose another drawing or painting implement and enter into the next meditation phase.

Read More HERE

Putin and Obama Go on Dr. Phil Show

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Putin and Obama Go on Dr. Phil Show

You would think a red diaper baby who spent his entire life surrounded by communists who get along with a former KGB officer who has set about reconstituting the Soviet Union. But even though he has more flexibility now, Obama is having difficulties with Putin, at least ostensibly:

On a tip from Bill T. Hat tip: BizPac Review.

Secret Recording: 'Don't Bring Black People To My Games' - Clippers Owner To Racially Mixed Girlfriend (Video)

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Secret Recording: 'Don't Bring Black People To My Games' - Clippers Owner To Racially Mixed Girlfriend (Video)

By Susan Duclos
Via TMZ, the video below is a recording between L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his Latino/Black girlfriend where the Clippers' owner goes on a racist rant that leaves no one in doubt as to his extraoridinary racist views, when he informs her she can be friends with black people, in private, but he does not want her to bring blacks to his games or associate with them on Instagram or in any public format. He even tells her she can "sleep" with 'them" but she shouldn't allow herself to be connected to them publicly.
After listening to Mr. Sterling, in the full recorded conversation below, people should clearly see the difference between manufactured howls of "racism," and the real thing.





Cross posted at  Wake up America