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Johnny Cirucci
Saturday, 14 September 2013; 09:37 PM, SET
What is the “global conspiracy”?
It’s human nature.
Without restraint, humans are basically ____.
Without restraint and WITH money and power, humans become subhumans…parasites…vampires…reptiles…and easy prey for demon possession. As Paul says, they begin to worship the creature rather than the Creator.
Like moths to a flame they gather to power so that they can latch onto it like lampreys, take it over and steer it towards their own perverse goals.
That is what they have done to my beloved country.
But while riding it, they simultaneously despise it…and us. So they use America to aggrandize themselves while at the same time drive it (and us) into the ground.
Unknowingly (and, shockingly some of them knowingly) they are building a one-world fascist police state for their master: satan.
Wanna know why America isn’t in the Bible?
It’s not because we’re “mystery Babylon”. It’s because YHWH is the Chess Master and He does not give away His Moves.
It is entirely possible if not probable that we will be empowered to take America back and the Whore who rides the Beast will, herself, be devoured.
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