Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cruise Ship Rough Weather at Sea - watch the Waves Come into the Ship ON VIDEO

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Cruise Ship Rough Weather at Sea - watch the Waves Come into the Ship ON VIDEO

I don't know who posted this video, but indeed they captured a boat in need of instant repair....Horrible situation to be in for sure!

Cruise ship sailing on the ocean animated gif

Cruise ship sailing on the ocean animated gif ★ DISAPPEARANCES AT SEA CRUISE SHIPS CAUGHT LYING ...Preditors At Sea...How the Industry Stonewalls Investigations.... International Cruise Victims Agency Needs Your Help ★★★$$$★

Cruise ship sailing on the ocean animated gifCruise ship sailing on the ocean animated gif



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Cruise ship sailing on the ocean animated gif

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“My own time on earth has led me to believe in two powerful instruments that turn experience into love: holding and listening. For every time I have held or been held, every time I have listened or been listened to, experience burns like wood in that eternal fire, and I find myself in the presence of love. This has always been so.”
“…These are quiet braveries we all need: The courage to wait and watch with all of who we are. The courage to admit that we are not alone.
“The courage to hold each other to the ear of our heart. And the courage to care for things are broken.
“The practice ground for these braveries is always the small things at hand. Somehow, through the practice of doing small things with great love, as Mother Teresa puts it, we learn how to be brave. 
“In truth, the work of love is tending to small things completely. Such tending opens the mystery.
“By the large-heartedness of our smallest attention, we enter the ocean of love that carries us all.” 
~Mark Nepo
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