Monday, January 6, 2014

Is Russell Brand Helping the Truth Movement?

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Is Russell Brand Helping the Truth Movement?


Glenn Canady



Russell Brand seems like a very nice guy and somebody most would like to sit down and talk with sometime.  He's charming, charismatic and quite knowledgable about some things that are being done to the population of the world by the new world order.  The ladies all swoon over his looks and most of them really don't care what he's saying at all because they are under his spell.  


While I do like some of what Russell says, I know that he's doing a lot more harm that good out there right now.  Russell talks a lot about the people at the top of the pyramid that are controlling everything.  I've never really heard him mention that these top people all work for the new world order though.  Those of us who have studied the new world order in detail realize that there is something at the very top of the new world order and it's not a human - it's satan.  The new world order worships satan or lucifer.  Russell never talks about satan or lucifer and something else you want hear him talk about is the ultimate cure for satan's new world order - Jesus Christ.  


Now Russell has talked about Jesus in many interview but it's always in a "New Age" way such as telling everybody that he was in the same category as Gandhi, Malcolm X, Che Guevara because they all died for their beliefs!   While it's true that all these men died for their cause, it's blasphemy to put Jesus in with these other men!  Jesus died for every sin of every person that will ever be born!  Jesus was the Son of God!  Jesus is the only name that cure the sick, cast out demons and even raise the dead!


Interview where Russell Brand puts Jesus in the same category of Gandhi, Malcolm X and Che Guevara!



The new age movement that was literally created by satanists such as Alice Bailey to take people away from Jesus so they end up going to hell says similar things about Jesus.  The new agers like to tell their lies that Jesus was just one of many "Ascended Masters" just like Buddha!   This is a lie directly from satan.  There is only one Son of God.and that was Jesus Christ.  There are no "ascended masters" - only people or demons that led others away from Jesus and into hell.  Jesus is the only one that gives you eternal life.  "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Romans 10:13


Russell likes to portray himself as a spiritual man but in reality he's actually promoting very dangerous satanic practices to the truth movement that will send them to hell.  In a recent video I heard Russell talk about the benefits of Yoga and Meditation and how they have helped him tremendously.  Yoga and Meditation come from India where these practices are used to worship thousands of "gods".  These "gods" are actually false gods or demons because there is only one God, the God of Abraham.  So it's very clear that God would not want you to do practices created by heathens in India that worship false gods.  Now of course some of you will say that it's okay because you don't believe in those false gods and you just do it because it makes you feel good.  


But God states very clearly that his people should never partake in practices of the heathens.   This is what God's word says about it.


"When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations." Deuteronomy 18:9


Yoga and Mediation are abominations because they are in fact satanic.  They were created by people who worship false gods.  Yoga actually means to Yoke!  Yoke to false gods!  Here's some more information on why Yoga and Meditation are in fact satanic.


Yoga is Satanic



Meditation is Satanic



So Russell Brand is certainly not helping the truth movement or anybody else by promoting satanic Yoga and Meditation and putting Jesus in the same category as Malcolm X!   In fact Russell Brand is helping satan.  Satan's goal is to do anything possible to take you away from Jesus Christ.  Jesus already died for your sins.  You already have the gift of eternal life - all you have to do is claim it!   


To claim your eternal life with God, simply say this prayer and start your journey with Jesus!


Invite Jesus into your life and ask him to help you get away from all your sins.  He will begin to change you!


I believe that all of us should pray right now that Russell Brand commits his life to Jesus Christ just as Stephen Baldwin has done.  If Russell Brand becomes a Christian and stops all the satanic practices of yoga and mediation then I believe he would leads millions of souls to Christ!  I pray this happens someday because then Russell could use his wonderful speaking ability and other talents for the Lord!  


"He That Winneth Souls is Wise" Proverbs 11:30


Spreading seeds to lead others to Christ is the very best thing anybody can do! Jesus Christ is the ultimate truth and one that the new world order fears the most.  If you are only spreading information on satan's new world order and nothing about Jesus then who are you really serving?  Stop giving satan's new world order free advertising unless you are also going to tell everybody about the cure to the new world order - Jesus!


I will never trust anything that Russell Brand, David Icke, Joe Rogan or David Wilcock says until they come to Christ which I hope happens for all of them someday!  Those that deny Jesus Christ as being God's Son are in fact antichrists.  Do you really want to put your faith in somebody that God says is an antichrist?


"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." - 1 John 2:22


Stephen Baldwin - Saved by Jesus!










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