Thursday, April 10, 2014

Range War: Cliven Bundy Speaks At Town Board Meeting

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Range War: Cliven Bundy Speaks At Town Board Meeting

By Susan Duclos
In this newly released video, Cliven Bundy speaks to the Moapa Valley Town Board meeting, on April 9, 2014, about the Range War standoff going on in Nevada right now, which has become a battle between states' rights and the overreach of the federal government via the Bureau of Land Management, who have hired private contractors to come in and take Mr. Bundy's cattle because it is grazing on land that the BLM arbitraily decided back in the 90's could no longer be publicly grazed.
In his statement to a cheering crowd he speaks about the county sheriff  (Sheriff Douglas Gillespi - (702) 828-3231 or (702) – 828 – 3111) that has not lifted a hand to help the family against the federal government, pointing out that the the country elected the man, pays the man, and he is not doing his job to protect the very people that put him in office.
His speech is elequent and a must see.


[RELATED - Revolution Now In Nevada – What You Can Do To Fight Back] - (NOTE - phone numbers to call and email contact formed included in the related link)


[Update] Via a comment in the video comment section from Tony D., an excellent poit:


At 10:20 about in the video the gentleman in the striped shirt makes an excellent wonderful point! What right does a judge have to make an order against an American citizen without allowing that citizen a fair trial?

Who voted for the BLM? Who gave them the authority to be the judge, jury, and executioner? Specifically which congress person, which democrat or republican gave the BLM the authority to be judge, jury and executioner?






Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America


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