Friday, April 11, 2014

Top 10 Most Cosmetically-Enhanced Countries

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Top 10 Most Cosmetically-Enhanced Countries

Cosmetic surgeries are fairly common nowadays. But then some countries may be ranking high when it comes to statistics. How does one measure the number per country? Certain organizations measure the countries number and rank through plastic surgery per capita. And with that, even though US have one of the most beauty conscious cultures, it didn’t rank that high.

South Korea though topped them all. The ongoing popularity of cosmetic surgeries had scaled to unscalable heights and has reached even third world countries around the world.

Reasons Why Cosmetic Surgery Stats Rises

There are lots of reasons why the industry has risen from being a choice of a chosen few to being the massively available to everybody. There could be cultural and social things behind that.

Affordability. In the past, a rhinoplasty can cost you a fortune. Today you can scrape it off your salary for months and voila, you have a new and better nose. The prices of each surgery also became reachable because of competition. Many clinics and hospitals as well a practicing physician who is attributed to the field which is a boom compared to the past services available.

Options. Because there are many options today. In the past you may only be hearing of Botox, today there are other options which is unthinkable back then.

Media and acceptability. Sometimes back then plastic surgery is a taboo. It’s something that should be kept as a secret. Today due to the open mindedness of the society, and the constant media awareness, people tend to get information more and tend to judge it less.

Rise in beauty consciousness. Many people now are beauty conscious. They put more effort in looks. With the advancement and growth of social media also comes the need to look good and to feel good.

Rise of digital camera sales. Well a deeper study needs to be conducted with this. But recently camera sales have grossed higher due to onslaught of many social media sites that posts pictures. Selfies or a picture of one’s self taken by their own camera and Smartphones are also a trend. That goes with the cameras popularity and the ever gnawing trend of putting pressure for beauty and one’s self.

Now that the reasons for the rise has been tackled, let’s go to the countries that are deemed to have the highest percentage of surgery performed per capita.

The Top Ten List of Countries with Most Cosmetic Surgery Performed

10. Mexico


Mexico is known for cheaper cosmetic procedures which are the reasons why it is included in here. Mexico’s treatments and procedures sometimes costs half less than those in the US.


9. France


France is known for its elegant women. Though its people don’t seek for very younger than they look, many would want to look great in the age they sport. Subtle and little cosmetic procedures then are popular here.


8. Japan


Japan is one in the 3 Asian countries here. Any Japanese tend to have procedures such as face lift, liposuction and Blepharoplasty.


7. Taiwan


Taiwanese people consider cosmetic surgery as fashionable. Thus the rise of cosmetic procedure in their country.  Botox as well as other wrinkle reducing treatments took the top spots.


6. United States


As the economy of the US starts to recover, more and more treatments are being scheduled. Liposuction came in first with breast augmentation as next for the most in demand surgery.


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