Friday, May 23, 2014

Beware Of Fake Eggs - They Are Everywhere And Can Make You Sick

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Beware Of Fake Eggs - They Are Everywhere And Can Make You Sick

Beware Of Fake Eggs - They Are Everywhere And Can Make You Sick. They appear to be real but are filled with chemicals and poisons that can cause illnesses!

Jessica Alba admits to lying about how sexually conservative she really is


Jessica Alba seems to have gone the opposite route that most women go when it comes to discussing her sexuality. At least the women I now. Gentlemen, you’ve all heard the “I’m not usually like this with guys” bit or some form or another from a woman when hook up time commences. We’re very much used to hearing women claiming to be more sexually conservative than they truly are.

Jessica Alba, 34, used to tell people she was actually more sexually liberal, or at least much more sexually experienced than she truly is.


Jessica Alba is on the media junket plugging her new movie Sin City: A Dame to Kill. So the marketing geniuses over at EW got Jessica to pose in a bikini for their cover. We know that no one outside of those trapped in a dental office waiting room actually pick up a magazine these days. However, most magazines don’t have the phenomenal butt of Jessica Alba on the over.

In the EW interview, Jessica Alba has always been a bit confused about being labeled a sex symbol and that led to her having to lie to people.

jessica alba

“I didn’t have a lot of experience, so at first it was all kinds of weird,” she revealed. “I’m kind of a prude, and I didn’t really understand. They would always ask me provocative questions about my sexuality, my this or that. Sometimes I would lie and say something that wasn’t true to make myself seem more interesting than I was.”

In fact, she wasn’t even experienced in dressing like “the hottest woman alive” or whatever numerous lad mags have dubbed her at first.

“I didn’t even know how to walk in heels until I went to the Golden Globes for the first time,” Jessica Alba said.

Jessica Alba has said in the past that she doesn’t do nudity because it would ‘be weird at Christmas.’ And this confuses the hell out of us, because she has a “tramp stamp,” as photo evidenced above. So maybe the tramp stamp isn’t the bullseye we all think it is. Or maybe, we as a society have lost the ability to actually understand nuance, contradiction and complexity. And now we only view human beings, Jessica Alba would be an example of this, only through our simple and narrow-minded lenses.

Paul M. Banks owns The Sports, an affiliate of Fox Sports. He’s also a frequent guest on national talk radio. Banks, a former contributor to NBC Chicago and the Washington Times, has been featured in numerous outlets including, Forbes and the History Channel. President Barack Obama follows him on Twitter (@paulmbanks)

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The post Jessica Alba admits to lying about how sexually conservative she really is appeared first on The Sports Bank.Net.

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