Saturday, May 24, 2014

White People, The Children of the Light.

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White People, The Children of the Light.


Most people would consider a dog to be something other than a wild animal. They are not. Right across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, which is itself one of the most dangerous cities to enter as a consequence of the crime of feral negroid simian beasts, there is another majority black but minor city that has gone the way of Detroit, and there the negroes have allowed such a feral dog problem to develop that it is no longer safe to walk the city. That is the true nature of the dog.

However, it is nonetheless a rare occasion that one of our domesticated dogs we keep as house pets viciously attacks a human being, and then it is most often one of a few very particular breeds that some fool has not raised and trained properly, and in most instances has in fact trained to be viscous. And when it happens it is not done out of malice and forethought with the absolute intent to kill on the part of the dog, as it almost always is when a negro slaughters a white person. The dog does it based upon a genetically engineered instinct that arises from the MATTER it is made of, and the impulse is input into its brain from an outside source, and does not come from the heart. Dogs, it would appear, are more fit for life in white civilization when they are CIVILIZED, i.e. domesticated, than are negroes. For that matter so are ferrets, for Christ's sake.


Think about that. UNDERSTAND what kind of a menace the negro truly poses for you and your children within your society. Is this acceptable? I think not.


And it is all justified by the constant and never ending cry that "we are all equal," and the absolutely ridiculous idea that "we are all one." One cannot believe in the concept of good and evil and believe that we are all one.


Evil exists because a very particular part of the Treasury of Light that our people knew about as far back as at least the Gnostics tried to act independently from the Treasury of Light that exists as One, and it devolved into something that decided of its own accord to create a sort of of "harmonic resonance," and that "harmonic resonance" in turn creates the substance we refer to as "matter," which is a complete separation from the Light and thus not part of it at all, even though the "creator" of the harmonic resonance is itself connected to the Treasury of light. Our great WHITE mathematician Pythagorus proved that the "universe" is brought into existence by "harmonic resonance" thousands of years ago, and they have hidden it from us, getting us to ponder ridiculous notions of how this "universe" came into existence, such as the "Big Bang Theory." The new agers are the ones they have planned to allow to reveal this secret of the "creation" by harmonic resonance to us, as they are the ones who are propagating the idea that in this "universe," before you have Light, you have "sound," i.e. harmonic resonance. And they are right. But there is far more to the story than they or their "alien" handlers will ever tell you. To put it simply, we are trapped in a world in which evil can be created, and in the negroes, we can clearly see that it has.


In antiquity the Aryans/Israelites, known today as the Caucasians, i.e. the white race, were referred to as the "Children of the Light."  We have a part of the treasury of light within us, centered in our heart. I don't know if we were trapped here when the harmonic resonance ate through the Treasury of light and created all of this "matter," or if we were part of the light that was sent in to try and rescue what was referred to as Pistus Sophis in the language of this matrix, but I expect that there was a time when exactly how we came to be here could be discerned from the "biblical texts, and maybe even in other stories of "creation," and that if we had access to what was written thousands of years ago we would know the answer to that question, which is why our ancient texts have been corrupted almost to the point of being destroyed. The story of "Creation" is actually a million times more vague than the racial laws for the Children of the Light written into the biblical texts, and it is difficult enough to get the white sheep to understand those, and in most instances is nigh to impossible, so comprehending the reality of how we came to be where we are is going to be one hell of a stretch for most people.


Our science even knows this place exists within us, they just do not understand what it actually is, but it is from this part of the matter that we are made of in this matrix (the human body) that they (scientists) measure our magnetic energy field.  It is found in the region that we refer to as "the heart, and it is being referred to as our "Human Assemblage Point" in this matrix.

The point I am trying to make is that the negro cage is a product of this matrix. It has been darkened and designed to absorb the negative electromagnetic energy of this matrix (this is what melanin does) and is literally "programmable" by the evil that creates it. It can function without a connection to the Treasury of Light because it is not directly connected to it, and is merely a creation of this matrix, of the darkness itself.  And in the vast majority of the negroes the negro "cage does exactly that, and functions as nothing more than a dark droid designed for nothing but evil.  As it stands we exists in a world of human droids programmed to rob, rape, torture, slaughter, and at the very least just parasitize off the closest thing it can find to the real light. The negroes exist as sort of an anology to this so called "universe" (matrix) itself, which scientists claim will eventually just go kaput and destroy itself, as the Higgs Bosson particle proved it will ultimately do. It will feed off the light until the light is gone, and then it will explode.

In the Pistus Sophia texts, and they are the words of Christ, it is abundantly clear that the Treasury of Light that functions as One knows full well this is the case, and it also knows that it will ultimately have to cut Pistus Sophia off completely and allow the dark side to have her to save itself. And it will do that if it has to, as is also clear in the texts. This matrix can only be destroyed from this level, the physical one. That explains perfectly the "born again" stuff in the biblical texts, especially when one understands that they are tricking us with the false light at death and farming us in and out of here on their terms in an endless cycle of reincarnation.  It is what we do at death that we have got to change, and we have got to hang out out there in other parts of their little "electromagnetic spectrun" that we cannot see in this physical form until enough of us show up to have a "gathering" on the other side and start working this thing out.  We have got to learn to function in all parts of this matrix as the intelligent beings of light that we are.   But we have also got to make sure that the "Children of the Light" continue to exist on this planet, because our task is huge, and if we were indeed TRAPPED here as part of this light, if we don't fix it hell and ultimately destruction awaits, as they play games with our psyche in various forms of existence such as the one we are currently in with the chemtrails being sprayed over our heads and even the one in the wildly popular movie "The Matrix, which I think is the ultimate goal, because the human body is indeed a "Coppertop," but the battery is part of the heaven we are, or at least came from and existed in. Hell, we are already living "The Truman Show."

I don't want to be farmed back in here as a negro, in the middle of all these negroid simian beasts that are nothing but droids of evil energy designed to make my life here a living hell. I want the negroes destroyed and I want the matrix destroyed, and if we can take out the electromagnetic cage around the Light in the sky I think it would have an effect that would be "universal" in nature. That is the day it is spoken of in the book of Isaiah, when the Light will be 7 times brighter.

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