by Elva Thompson
Thou art a symbol and a sign
To Mortals of their fate and force;
Like thee, Man is in part divine
A troubled stream from a pure source …
Lord Byron. Poet, Playwright (1788–1824)
The Stanford Journal of Neuroscience published an article by Adrienne Sussman called ‘Mental Illness and Creativity: A Neurological View of the ‘Tortured Artist’. Vol I. fall 2007
She wrote: ‘A large number of studies in the past few decades support a link between creativity and mental illnesses, particularly manic depressive disorder and schizophrenia. Although the support is tentative, it forces us to re-examine our attitudes towards the mental states that we call “diseased”, and when (and if) treatment is appropriate. If mental illness can produce powerful and important art, then perhaps, instead of trying to eliminate them by medication, we should embrace these mental states as valuable in their own right. A possible link between mental illness and creative output has been documented throughout history.
As far back as the 4th century B.C., the connection between “divine” inspiration and altered mental state had already been made, prompting Plato to expound in the dialogue the Phaedrus: “Madness, provided it comes as the gift of heaven, is the channel by which we receive the greatest blessings… Madness comes from God, whereas sober sense is merely human.”
The idea was especially powerful for the Romantic artists, who self-consciously embraced the image. Lord Byron expressed this self-created cult of the “tortured artist” with the words: “We of the craft are all crazy. Some are affected by gaiety, others by melancholy, but all are more or less touched.”
Hybrid man, part divine and part demon.
Lord Byron thought that ‘man was part divine, a troubled stream from a pure source’.
In the Law of Duality, the opposite of Divine is Demonic, so humans are halflings and are the physical representation in the third dimension of love/versus hate. A demon and a divine being cannot occupy the same space and live in harmony. They are forever at war like the water and the wind. This is the true meaning of the Tarot card ‘The Chariot’ the driver(soul self) trying to control two horses pulling in opposite directions(the ego mind subject to the duality of the third dimension.
This brain split is the cause of our insanity and operates on every level of our being. The reptilian mind is the ego with its constant chatter forever trying to distract us from our true nature… and give itself a false emotional life.
With this fake life comes the dark hosts of negative polarity.
Human beings are energetic broadcasters, just like the tower in the picture. Our thoughts radiate out into space and resonate on all the unseen networks vibrating in the ether. Influences that harmonise with our thoughts are drawn to our energy fields and these are either love based or hate based.
Demonic influences are drawn like a magnet to our trauma, suffering and pain. These beings feed on the negative emotional energy we discharge. Their reality has an ugly sonic sound and if they can find a corresponding harmonium in the human energy field they can attach to our energetic system.
This is all part of duality, the predator and the prey.
We have physical predators, whether it be a large animal or a microbe and, we have spiritual predators as well.
Mankind is indeed haunted and each of us a tortured self.
Sonic Re-patterning
Childhood trauma’s create serious energetic problems for the individual and few children are lucky to escape it. Sexual, mental and physical trauma can be so damaging to our emerging psyche’s that some of us never recover from the abuse.
The reason we can’t recover from our childhood trauma is because we have a demonic predator that has attached itself to the original fear that has crystallized in the chakra system.
Is there a way to get rid of these creatures?
The answer is YES.
There is a wonderful technique using tuning forks set to Pythagorean musical intervals that re-patterns trauma using the pure sonic sounds of the element fields, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.
This unique and powerful healing experience was pioneered by Dr John Beaulieu, who is an author, musician, composer and naturopathic doctor. He says in his wonderful book ‘Music and Sound in the Healing Arts’ : ‘Our bodies are like musical instruments. When they are properly tuned we have a sense of well being and perfect self expression.’
His re-patterning CD is called Calendula: A Suite for Pythagorean Tuning Forks and is available from
I re-patterned my childhood traumas in 2003 and use the healing tones whenever I get knocked off balance. I am very thankful to John Beaulieu for pioneering this wonderful healing tool.
The Beauty Road
Once we catch on to the resonance of the reptile mind and how it operates within us, we have the mind parasites on the run. Re- patterning our chakra system and clearing away the debris from the past, gives us greater clarity, and we are in a much stronger position to cope with the crazy world we live in. Being a split creature, we are subject to duality and ego and, we must be forever mindful of that truth.
But this I know, by staying in the now, and going forth with love and trust, our feet are firmly planted on the Beauty Road.
[More of Elva's work can be found in our contributor section and at her blog]
The post The Tortured Self appeared first on Zen Gardner.
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