Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Introducing: The Toilet Brush Monster Sniper Rifle (Video)

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Introducing: The Toilet Brush Monster Sniper Rifle (Video)



(N.Morgan) After watching the video, I have to say, this is awesome!  This could really be helpful in a pinch.Toilet brushes have become pretty much the signatory ammo for The Slingshot Channel. We simply love these harmless looking household items, especially when they are "devilized" with a mean tip made from a nine inch nail. We have seen in the past how much force these projectiles have when shot from a looong barrelled slingshot crossbow. The sharp "arrows" have as much energy as a .38 Special round, but five times the momentum - well into sledge hammer league - with a a needle like tip). So far all of the weapons we used to shoot these things had no sighting system - just instinctive aiming. That may be acceptable for an emergency situation, but what if you need to kill some Zombies with accuracy? Introducing the Toilet Brush Sniper Rifle - a slingshot crossbow with 2,30 total length. Outfitted with telescopic sights and a bipod, the rifle resembles one of these notorious .50 BMG firearms. But they hit without any noise, and generate no smell either!




See three consecutive hits from 20 meters distance (22 yards) - the group fits on the palm of your hand, or on the forehead of a Zombie... They hit hard enough to go clean through a 10mm furniture grade plywood board, and then on, 4 inches deep into a thick archery mat right behind the wood. They even go all the way through a 40mm oak plank!


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