Sunday, October 6, 2013

Miley Cyrus Reacts "Negatively" To Sinead O'Connor's Letter (Video)

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Miley Cyrus Reacts "Negatively" To Sinead O'Connor's Letter (Video)

I definitely agree with the female news reporter in this video, that what Miley Cyrus did to Sinead O'Connor was very rude and wrong.

YouTube Desc:

The Miley Cyrus-Sinead O'Connor war of words reached DEFCON 2 on Thursday afternoon when the controversial Irish singer, 46, posted a second "open letter" to the controversial American singer, 19 -- then threatened legal action against the former Hannah Montana star.

O'Connor's latest posts were a response to this tweet from Cyrus, which links to a photo of O'Connor's Twitter timeline from two years ago, a period when O'Connor says she was "unwell and seeking help" for mental-health issues.".* Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, Adam Green (PCCC), and Dave Rubin (The Rubin Report) break it down on The Young Turks.

Alert: FEMA Camp Round Up Has Begun!!!

It begins with the homeless. Then another group, then another... Until, well just remember Germany. It isn't pretty!

In August, according to MSN, the Columbia City Council unanimously approved the plan, creating special police patrols that would enforce "quality of life" laws involving loitering, public urination and other crimes not necessarily restricted to the homeless population. Those officers would then offer the homeless a choice: Go to jail for their homelessness or be shuffled to a 240-bed, 24-hour shelter on the outskirts of town, which they wouldn't be allowed to easily leave.


According to the ActivistPost,  the Columbia South Carolina plan is already complete with an urgent Emergency Homeless Response report. And that report includes information about hauling the homeless away in transport vans to an already stationed shelter with workers, phone number for townspeople to report "the person in need," an officer stationed to control foot traffic, public feeding moved there, more foot patrol officers for the city to keep out the homeless - oh, and the homeless can't walk off the premises!

If they want to leave, they must get permission, set up an appointment and be shuttled by a transport van. A patrolman will guard the road leading in to make sure homeless don't wander off downtown. Ex-prisoners will be shuttled there unless someone picks them up from the county jail. No foot traffic allowed - only shuttle van arrival.  The plan is a city plan and not a federal government plan.


In September Columbia, South Carolina decided to rescind its controversial decision to criminalize homelessness after facing major backlash from police, city workers and advocates 


ChristianVideoChanne "That's how it begins. They start with one city and with people who cant do anything about it. Obama already passed laws to allow other groups such as indefinite detention, making freedom of speech a felony. The ONLY reason to pass the executive orders listed are to take complete control of a nation. You don't have to be a militant strategist to figure this out! Just have common sense!"

ChristianVideoChanne "I just want to say, that becoming homeless could happen to any one of us at any time! In this economy especially. So to the people that complain that the homeless are sleeping in your doorways, or you don't want to have to look at them on the street. God forgive you! I pray you never have to experience what they go through!

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