Friday, October 11, 2013

Trucker Shut Down Videos By Truckers

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Trucker Shut Down Videos By Truckers

The group, which according to the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] is headed by a former country singer named Zeeda Andrews, describes its main goal as re-establishing constitutional law in America that they believe has eroded under the current political leaders.

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How you can help with the Truckers shut down of DC and how to prepare

Zeeda Andrews, Trucker Shutdown Organizer

Most people really don't grasp what a 3 day shut down of trucks would mean to them or the economy. Heres just a taste from my point of view. Stating on October 11, thru October 13, 2013, trucker's across America intend to shut down Commerce and create grid-lock in Washington. On October 13th, the last day of the planned trucker's strike, Veteran's plan to have a million man march in DC


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