Saturday, November 9, 2013

Galactic Photon Belt Enters★ Our Solar System which is Causing the Sun to Shift and The Pyramids of the World have Started to Come Alive★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

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Galactic Photon Belt Enters★ Our Solar System which is Causing the Sun to Shift and The Pyramids of the World have Started to Come Alive★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

Great blog via http://Read more:


 The Photon Belt is alive and well and did arrive on the 11-11-11 as was predicted but NASA hid it like it did to the Planet-X, Elenin thing and of course all the UFO' sitings above earth and in outer space. NASA also likes to play name games and has called the Photon Belt a Photonic cloud.

And the photos of this cloud surrounding our Galaxy. It is seen as a pinkish maroon cloud several hundred thousand miles thick cloud. This matches the Photon Belt theory of a huge doughnut or wheel in which many of our solar systems must pass through.

It is said that it takes 2,000 yrs to pass through it and is known as the light stage and another 10,000 yrs outside of it before we come around to the other side known as the time of darkness.

Which is where we have been now, days of half dark and half light.

And we are about to enter the 10,000 yrs of light only. No night as we know now. Our nights will be as our brightest full moon light, (Blue Moon). There are a lot of other things that will be different to. Such as the dimensional changes and the great effect these photon particles will have on our body mind and spirit.

The Photon Belt will play a large role in our Ascension event into 4th and 5th Dimension..

 I believe it is the Photon Belt that is causing the sun to shift and to have so many solar storms many huge x-class solar flares.    

So that the earth is bomb-boarded not only by the Photon particles but also Charged particles and Nutreno Partials, plus the magnetic storms.   

All of this together has caused the earth to heat up inside and to begin to expand, once again.And as she does the continents will move as the plates and mantles move.

The north and central Americas have now broken free and are moving side to side.

And as you can see there is a major earth quake nearly every day, that is a 6.0 or larger and new volcanoes coming alive almost daily and several big ones going off weekly.

This is Mother Earths way of releasing all the built up pressure inside of her and their is much more to come.

Soon the sky will be filled with ash world wide, big Earthquakes, Tsunami's and Great Flooding that we haven't seen sense the last time the Photon Belt was here 12,000 yrs ago.

Many great city's lie under the ocean, like Atlantis and Lemuria, that has been discovered but hid from us like everything else that the , the DC doesn't want us to know.

That all of this has happened before!.   

As the Photon Belt approaches another strange event has started to happen.

The Pyramids of the world has started to come alive as well..

The worlds pyramids have started beaming energy to the mysterious Space clouds, known as the Photon Belt.Several incredible incidents of visible power beams shooting skywards into space towards the regions of the alien Photonic clouds are well documented.

And at the same time the world begins to hearing and recording scary sounds. Noises that seem to be coming from the Photonic Cloud AKA the Photon Belt.  

And the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan  in Mexico transmitted a column of raw energy into space and was just the latest to do so. In 2009& 2010 the Bosnian pyramid of the sun beamed a pencil thin ray of pure energy into space towards the Photon Belt.

 Bosnian pyramid


 In 2009 and 2010 the Bosnian pyramid of the sun beamed a pencil thin ray of pure energy towards space.

The amazing incident was followed by a vortex blast from the Pyramid of the moon, Teotihuacan, Mexico city.


When Hector Siliezar visited the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza with his wife and kids in 2009, he snapped three iPhone photos of El Castillo, a pyramid that once served as a sacred temple to the Mayan god Kukulkan.

Ancient pyramids awake after centuries, Millennia of slumber

Tourists screamed, others shot hasty videos with their camera phones as the Mayan pyramid rumbled.


But no earthquake followed, instead a brilliant beam of light shot skyward into space as awed onlookers gasped, wondering what it meant.


But the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan transmitting a raw column of incredible energy into space was just the latest pyramid to do so.

All starting stress waves on Nov.15, 2011 and that a huge energy release''stress waves'' signal indicating the transition of the earths internal energy, into a new active phase.

Pyramids Beaming Energy Mysterious Space Cloud Motherships Moving Clouds

The Giza pyramids are beginning to transmit this energy beams as well.

Which in return has started the strange sounds that is being heard around the world.      

These sounds seem to be a direct cause of the inner earth changes including plate movement and is being bounced of the ionosphere all being caused by the photon belt.

I think that these great pyramids were built by or with the help of our space brothers to help release some of this built up pressure and not only on this planet but all inhabited planets.

For instance Mars and the moon has pyramids as well.  

And according to the book ''the keys of Enoch, from the early 70's. these pyramids are set on vortex's, connecting many grid patterns around the world,where the earths energy connects, like the human body meridian points.

They also said that spaceships will be very active around these points, especially Mexico because it was there head quarters the last time this happened.

See the 12 Keys of Enoch book - Mexico and the Americas will be a very important place to be.

There are two more blogs relating somewhat to the Photon Belt and the great earth changes that are upon us now and much more to come.

★ RARE Hybrid Solar Eclipse Best Photos of November 3rd (awesome video)★

The Plane of Galactic force the Galctic Plane which is one and the same as the Photon Belt.Galactic Plane and the Shifting of the Magnetic Poles and well as of time being compressed, speeding up, as we know it and the shifting of the continents we all can feel the changes.

The ET's also spoke of the Paradigm shifting, which is another way of saying the Ascension or Dimensional shift, caused by outside forces both material and spiritual.

Read more: 

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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.•¨*

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