Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Malaysia flight MH370 in China? How did it get there? Explanation here.

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Malaysia flight MH370 in China? How did it get there? Explanation here.

Missing Malaysia flight MH370. Spotted at an isolated airfield in China?

If so, this is the most likely way it got there.

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It was commandeered by experienced Chinese military pilots. The skilled flying needed was easy for these military pilots. The “pings” showing it headed to the south Indian Ocean is explained below. 


It was easy for them to get onboard, using stolen passports. Planned well in advance, several Chinese passengers could have “disappeared” on their way to the airport, either in China on a flight to Malaysia, or in Malaysia just before heading to the airport. A possible group to target for such passport thefts would have been the 19 Chinese artists, though it could have been anyone who closely resembled the commandeering pilots. Sneaking on a plane with a stolen passport is known to be quite easy. The friends and relatives of the “disappeared” believe they were on the plane.


Onboard security was known to be slack. The cockpit could have been rushed when one of the pilots opened the cockpit door to use the lavatory. The crew could have been killed or incapacitated without weapons, using violent martial arts methods. At that time, a long range military plane from China could have rendezvoused with them, and flown close by. This is not difficult for military pilots used to air to air refuelling and that sort of thing. Both planes would appear as one blip on a radar screen. The Malaysian plane’s transponder is then turned off, and it is diverted to a course off the east coast of Vietnam. The long range Chinese military plane keeps it’s transponder on for a few minutes, and then turns south west. It earlier recorded one or more “pings” from the Malaysian plane, and can re-broadcast them at the designated intervals, as it diverts south west, and then west towards the Bay of Bengal. It would re-broadcast the pings at the designated times. The hight altitude climb and then a descent would all be part of a plan to suggest there might be a struggle in the cockpit, or that the pilots were starved of oxygen or otherwise incapacitated. It was done to confuse the searchers. 


It would be very simple for the highly trained military pilots to fly the Malaysian Air plane northeastward, off the coast of Vietnam, avoiding the very limited radar in that area.  Once over China, the Chinese radar operators would be told it is a military exercise and to keep their mouths shut. The plane was then flown to western China and landed at an isolated airfield. 


Meanwhile, the long range military plane continued to re-broadcast the false pings, and flies over the known very deepest part of the Indian Ocean. It then drops a false emergency locator pinger where it sinks to the absolute worst possible place for recovery. (That is why no wreckage of any sort has been found.) 


It then retraces it’s path and lands in China. 


The possible reasons for doing this will be covered in an article HERE. 



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