Friday, June 13, 2014

Twitter Censors PressTV and Veterans Today- Sites "Forbidden" from Direct Messages

Before It's News | Popular Lifestyle

Twitter Censors PressTV and Veterans Today- Sites "Forbidden" from Direct Messages

Twitter Goes Evil and Blocks Veterans Today

When sending the Veterans Today or PressTV URL, ( / in a direct message, a "Message not sent" notification pops up and says,

      "Error posting message. There was an error in sending your message to -attempted recipient-. It has been saved in the conversation. Please try resending later. (Error: forbidden)"

Obviously many questions arise, silly ones usually, 'What if Twitter just made a mistake?' is a good one. Another hilarious statement might sound like, 'Those websites aren't popular enough, Twitter probably just thinks they're spam.'. However these people are to no surprise guilty of blatant disregard for what we know. PressTV and VT are arguably the last two news programs in the world that are actually telling viewers what is going on. Veterans Today is just horrifying the NWO and Illuminati shills with all the intelligence they leak. These guys have the utmost incredible network of former intelligence and government staff. You don't know about them because you're not supposed to. Top writers of the Veterans Today team are often on RT News speaking the truth. Oh and for all you haven't heard of PressTV, it's because they were banned from North American Satelites. Now you can only watch them if you can access their webpage. The best question, is always the most simple.

The best question, is why?

To those who question the validity of this article, instead of spitting out baseless claims and idiotic theories, let's do some research! :)

On the official Twitter 'Error Codes & Responses' page, there is a chart that looks like this:


















OK Success!
Not Modified There was no new data to return.
Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.

Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
Forbidden The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. An accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when requests are being denied due to update limits.
Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
Gone This resource is gone. Used to indicate that an API endpoint has been turned off. For example: "The Twitter REST API v1 will soon stop functioning. Please migrate to API v1.1."
Enhance Your Calm Returned by the version 1 Search and Trends APIs when you are being rate limited.
Unprocessable Entity Returned when an image uploaded to POST account/update_profile_banner is unable to be processed.
Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application's rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API v1.1.
Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the group so the Twitter team can investigate.
Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn't be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.


Our code is #403, otherwise known as "forbidden".

The description of the "error" is 'The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. An accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when requests are being denied due to update limits.'

This seems like a passage from a Bill in Washington. On the surface, it would appear our request was being denied due to 'update limits'... When we look at the update limits, it describes limiting tweets, messages, follows, all on a quantitative basis. I send about two or three messages and tweets a day so I am quite sure I am within the numerical threshhold.

So again the question pops up, why?

According to Twitter, as we just read, Error #403 comes as a result of these 'limits'. Upon the realization that there is no correlation between these limits and the URLs failing to send, we must realize Error #403 says two things not one. It mentions that the code is used when requests are denied due to these limits. Before that however, it says "The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed." 

Hint: They don't have to tell you why it's not allowed.

Yes, the reason they are "forbidden" is quite literally for that reason, they are forbidden and ultimately CENSORED.

For those of you who think that these sites aren't sending because they don't have ' https:// ' 

Newsflash, doesn't and it sends successfully in direct message everytime!


Again, I will repeat. This only applies to direct messaging on twitter. We all know that you can send tweets with said news programs. It is important to understand that direct message, is the only way to truly communicate 1v1 on twitter.


Check the Error Codes and Limits here:





Stew Webb with Glenn Canady

Glenn was notified today by a 19 year old patriot that Twitter is blocking all messages

with Veterans and in them.

Glenn verified this today and took screen shots.

These are the only websites being prevented from being sent in direct messages.   Glenn tried other websites and they work just fine!  Twitter is apparently trying to censor and stop the growth of the #1 news site on the planet now putting out all the truth – Veterans Today!



*Mobile version shows Error #403 (forbidden)

Web Version:




Glenn and I am urging all twitter users to get the word out about Twitter’s evil right now!

Send this story viral so they must back down or be destroyed by the alternative media.

Why is Twitter censoring VeteransToday and PressTV?

Was this evil censorship by Twitter against  Veterans and due to the huge interview Gordon Duff did with Stew Webb on June 4, 2014 ?

In this interview Gordon dropped some major Intel and it has caused major waves throughout the US government!   Gordon took a lot of heat for his information concerning the confirmed use of mini nukes on 9/11.  It has certainly driven the shills in alternative media nuts.   Here’s the interview that is being talked about everywhere now.    Gordon unloaded on this one!  Please share it everywhere you can!


Read the full story here:



More to come

Spurs 107, Heat 86: Instant Reactions & Social Media Recap

The Spurs took a commanding 3-1 series lead with a 107-86 blowout victory, sweeping the two games in Miami as the series shifts back to Texas with the Spurs one win away from a fifth NBA championship.

Matt Zemek: The Miami Heat had won their last 13 playoff games following a loss. No NBA team over the past two years had been more consistently able to respond to an adverse postseason situation than the Heat. This was a team with white-collar talent, but an underappreciated amount of blue-collar toughness between the ears and and in its veins. One wondered when this run — powering two straight titles and four straight Finals performances — would come to an end.

America got its answer Thursday night.

The flame of the post-loss postseason Heat finally died out. The pilot light was extinguished. A great team’s tank ran on empty. Only one man showed up for this team in its moment of need. LeBron James played well. The problem was that none of his teammates came along for the ride.

The contrast with the San Antonio Spurs could not be any greater.

Miami was not even the Big Three; it was the Big One.

San Antonio, on the other hand, came at that one-man team in waves, with just about everyone contributing in a symphony of blended movements at both ends of the floor. On offense and defense alike, the Spurs ran, jumped, rotated, hustled, and reacted with far more energy and fluidity than the Heat.

Kawhi Leonard had another star turn with 20 points and 14 rebounds. Photo by Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports.

Kawhi Leonard had another star turn with 20 points and 14 rebounds. Photo by Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports.

The result was a drama-free blowout that has this series poised to end on Sunday in Game Five. The Heat have stood at the door of despair on several occasions over the past few NBA seasons. In 2012 and 2013, they endured elimination games to win world championships. Thursday, a superior team landed a roundhouse punch, giving the 2014 Finals a standing-eight count heading back to Texas.

So much more will be said on this series once it is over. Maybe Miami can postpone the end of that series to Tuesday for Game Six and even next Friday for Game Seven.

At this point, however, do not bet on it.

For now, let this one point sink in: Appreciate this series as a manifestation of the Spurs’ excellence, depth, and harmonious team play. This is much more a story of what San Antonio is doing right than what the Heat are failing to do.

Philip Rossman-Reich: Going home is supposed to be some relief? Losing a game at home is supposed to bring out some urgency and desperation as they need to get some semblance of home court advantage back? Right? These are how things are supposed to go.

The Spurs are not the home team. They are not down 2-1. They could have rested on their home court advantage. They looked like the team that needed this win, wanting it more than the two-time defending champion Heat. This Heat team is completely unrecognizable.

San Antonio picked Miami apart. Plain and simple. The Spurs just executed the Heat to death on offense and suffocated them on defense. It was clinical, pure and simple. Much more than it was in Game Three.

In Game Three, San Antonio benefited from some incredible shooting. The shooting was nowhere near as record setting in Game Four. But the Spurs still had the same result. They controlled the pace and flow of the game, taking a double-digit lead early on and never letting go. Miami could not even mount a run.

The Heat were just lifeless.

Give LeBron James credit for continuing to do everything he can. He just cannot do it alone. Not at this level. The blame cannot be on him — sorry Skip Bayless. Dwyane Wade just does not have the juice to keep pace with James and Chris Bosh has become a glorified spot-up shooter. There just is not a lot more for the Heat to do. This looks like a team that needs some major retooling to return to the title.

At this point, it does not look like it will happen this year. Down 3-1 and heading back to San Antonio, the odds of a comeback seem slim.

Josh Burton: Wow. Just wow. It is hard enough to beat the Heat on the road, but twice in a row during the playoffs? That is just incredible.

Now up 3-1, with a potential clinching Game Five on Saturday night at home in San Antonio, the Spurs have the Heat on the ropes and they are on the verge of finally knocking them out.

It seemed as if the Spurs were up big almost from the tip, as they held a nine-point lead after the first quarter, an advantage that increased to 18 by half. But Miami was not even that close in reality. Outside of some isolated stretches of halfway decent play that had them down just 15 or so, the Heat were totally uncompetitive in this game, which is remarkable considering it is the third blowout in this series, all in favor of San Antonio.

Obviously, this Finals isn’t over yet, but after two horrid performances — at home, nonetheless — by the Heat and a pair of masterful ones by the Spurs, it would be surprising if this series even goes back to Miami for Game Six. Anything can happen in the NBA, but with such a fine-tuned and almost-perfect Spurs team, it really does not appear as if a Heat win is possible.

As Matt said, take in the masterpiece that is the Spurs and Gregg Popovich’s system throughout the rest of this series, however long it is. This is some history we’re watching unfold here.

Social Media Recap RT @EricThePelican: What are you laughing at Duncan?

— Orlando Magic Daily (@OMagicDaily) June 13, 2014

This series is also exposing how Miami, though a team to be lauded for making 4 straight Finals, is in said Finals b/c of the Eastern Conf.

— Matt Zemek (@mzemek) June 13, 2014

LeBron has 25 points on 69% shooting and it doesn't matter 1 bit

— J.A. Adande (@jadande) June 13, 2014

Unsung hero tonight for #Spurs is patty Mills w/ 14 pts off the bench so far for SA.

— Jeff Garcia PS (@sa2ny2004) June 13, 2014

I am really not ready for Sunday to be the last basketball game before Summer League.

— Crossover Chronicles (@crossoverNBA) June 13, 2014

"Call it.” RT @Steve_OS: Tim Duncan in "No Country for Old Men" (via @bennettberry)

— J.E. Skeets (@jeskeets) June 13, 2014

Kudos to the #Heat fans who stayed cheering to the end. They want it. Their team may not. #Spurs up 3-1 with 107-86 win.

— Crossover Chronicles (@crossoverNBA) June 13, 2014

@mzemek This series could be for Miami what that PHX sweep was for the Spurs- a wakeup call "We have to change things up."

— Unfrozen Buffalo Fan (@chrisskreager) June 13, 2014

3 car brands that suck at selling in a upturned market

Lincoln, Infiniti, and Volvo all have dropped sales volume during this resurgent economy and overall rising sales

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