Saturday, June 7, 2014

Overcoming Fears and Phobias

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Overcoming Fears and Phobias

Overcoming Fears and Phobias

overcoming-fear_OMTimesby Ann Christine Johnson

Fear is a normal, natural reaction to imaginary and real threats; a built-in survival mechanism but when our life is ruled by fear that’s called addiction. Each of us has a biological fear of famine, cold and dearth, and not having sufficient money to buy off and hold off those realities; an in-built fear of falling and a fear of noise. These specific fears are a kind of alarm system given to us by nature as a means of self-preservation. Normal fear in certain situations is helpful – if you see and hear a car heading towards you and step aside you survive. The brief fear of being run over is overcome by your action. All other fears are given to us by our parents, caregivers, teachers and other authority figures, and all others who influenced our early years.

A phobia is a persistent, abnormal and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation (e.g. flying insects; closed-in spaces; heights; job interviews; public speaking; dates; public places; needles; driving on highways and up steep hills; going to the dentist; snakes) that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it isn’t dangerous. Abnormal fear is harmful and destructive. Constantly indulging in fear-based thoughts will result in irrational fears, obsessions or complexes. To fear something ceaselessly causes in us a sense of panic, nausea and terror. Abnormal fear takes place when we allow our imagination to run riot (wander undisciplined). By persisting in this type of behaviour in time we will undoubtedly attract what we fear the most. The answer to abnormal fear is to move towards the opposite of what you fear. When fear arises there immediately comes with it a desire for something that is opposite to the feared thing. Get completely engrossed in your desire. This will give you confidence, lift your spirits and allow you to return to a place of peace.

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