Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Photographs Show How Cats See

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Photographs Show How Cats See

Nickolay Lamm

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We tend to think of cats as having superior vision due to their ability to see in the dark when we become lost like helpless babies. But while being a cat does come with visual advantages, so does being a human. One isn't better than the other; they're just different. Photographer Nickolay Lamm has produced a series of photographs - posted on - in an attempt to convey how different.

Nickolay Lamm

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In each pair of photographs, Lamm depicts how humans see things (top) versus how cats see things (bottom). What cats may lack in color perception and focus compared to humans, they make up for with the ability to sense movement in darkness, a larger field of vision (200 degrees compared to our 180 degrees) and greater peripheral vision (30 degrees on each side compared to our 20).

Nickolay Lamm

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To make sure that the photos were an accurate hypothesis of what cat vision looks like, Lamm consulted with Kerry L. Ketring, DVM, DACVO of All Animal Eye Clinic, Dr. DJ Haeussler of the Animal Eye Institute, and the Ophthalmology group at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

Nickolay Lamm

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Said William Crumley of Penn Vet, "As is, I think these images do a good job of illustrating the difference in colors seen, resolution, and night/day abilities that make cats different from us."

Nickolay Lamm

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While we humans seem to perceive a clearer picture of the world, cats evolved to be excellent hunters, part of which is their ability to see in the dark 6-8 times better than us due to the high number of rods, and because of their elliptical pupil, large cornea and tapetum. On the other hand, humans can see objects clearly from distances of 100-200 feet, while a cat would need to be 20 feet away from the same object to achieve the same clarity.

Nickolay Lamm

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Cats see fewer colors than humans do. Their color spectrum is limited mostly to yellows and blues, as seen in the photographs, where the "cat vision" appears washed out compared to our way of seeing the world. "Our retinas have many more cones than cats, especially in the area of the fovea, which is all cones and no rods," Lamm told PawNation. "This gives us fantastic day vision with lots of vibrant colors and excellent, detailed resolution."

Nickolay Lamm

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Next: Must-See Cat Videos!

Of course, despite our superior focus and color perception, humans are able see virtually nothing in darkness, while cats can still catch prey even in low light. Humans retain an advantage for catching slower prey, however. "Humans have the ability to see very slowly moving objects at speeds 10 times slower than cats," Lamm said. "We can see very slow things move that would not appear to be moving to a cat."

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MSNBC Caught Framing Vet's With Edited Video

By Susan Duclos
Once again MSNBC shows that can, indeed, sink lower than pond scum as Rachel Maddow edits video to frame veterans about a the rally that took place last weekend, during the Million Veterans March on Memorials. Maddow lies and distorts the facts of the march and what it was about as well as who the origanizers were.
The two videos below discuss the depths liberals like Maddow sink to in order to attack our nation's veterans.
The third and last video is a must see as it so perfectly represents some liberal women!!!


Alex Jones nails this one on the head in the next video calling Maddow "a lying pig."





Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America


FEMA Detention Camps Evil Plans For You And Me

Martial Law and NWO are not just from some conspiracy person, they are very real agendas from the elite. Have you noticed the complete Police State we are under? You can hardly tell the difference between the local police and the military now. Divide and conquer, total take over, and then they will try and throw us in their “Internment Center” aka FEMA camps. Truth Channel covers in depth these topics in this 45 min video. The Truth Channel

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