Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Prepper's Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals

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The Prepper's Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals

Wallpaper Jacks Point, Queenstown, New Zealand, Lake Wakatipu, mountains, rocks, reflection

It’s no question we live in a harsh world, but in the aftermath of a disaster, the American Dream can quickly become a living nightmare. Not only are we dealing with protecting our food sources, downed power lines and home damage, but we also have to be aware of the criminal aspects that disasters bring on. Looters, raiders and home invasions tend to be at the forefront of post disaster issues due to those who are either taking advantage of overwhelmed emergency responders or are unable to meet their basic needs.

I need to emphasize that this type of safeguarding would typically be done in a sudden, widespread, disaster, where a majority of the population would be caught off-guard thus instantly causing them to be ill-equipped to provide for their immediate needs. In a matter of days if supply trucks cannot gain access to the city, the unprepared will stop at nothing to get what they need in order to survive – and that could be breaking into you home.

To prepare for this, we need to go beyond the vague preparedness suggestions from government backed disaster organizations and prepare to safeguard and defend our homes from unwanted guests.

The Plan

The best approach to keeping these criminals away from your home is to make the house look difficult to vandalize. Further, create obstacles to make it next to impossible for the vandals to gain access. This will either frustrate them to the point of abandoning their break in plans or slow them down so that you can persuade them (with the sound of your firearm).

Further, I suggest that you have a way to protect yourself. Educate yourself on the best type of firearms to have and know how to use them. “If you can’t protect it, you don’t own it” describes the mentality the unprepared have about you and your preps. I’m not saying it’s fair that people could steal from you, but it’s a reality, and a concern you should not take lightly. The fact is that crime seems to escalate in the aftermath of a disaster; despite the current disinformation circulating about how in no uncertain terms that the hunger, chaos, and unrest never happened.

Minimize the threat of a home break in or home invasion by adding layers of security (before a disaster is imminent) in order to prevent your home from being a possible hit. Security layers are preventative measures put into place that will advertise to possible intruders to avoid your home altogether. Once these security layers are put into place, follow the suggestions below to zombie-proof your home.

This thread was found at and the suggestions could come in handy if you are planning for Golden Hoards or looters after a widespread disaster.

Read the rest of the article

The Prepper’s Cookbook  by Tess Pennington is an excellent resource and foundation that covers many topics of preparation.  Especially helpful for the seeker and the new-to-prepping, however, there are great ideas for even the seasoned prepper.

Tess joined the Dallas chapter of the American Red Cross in 1999 Tess worked as an Armed Forces Emergency Services Center specialist and is well versed in emergency and disaster management and response.

You can follow her regular updates on Preparedness, Homesteading, and a host of other topics at

It’s more than a cookbook. It’s also a handy guide for beginning preppers who have wondered, “So what do I actually do with all this extra food I’m buying?”

Try to get organic if you can.

When a catastrophic collapse cripples society, grocery store shelves will empty within days. But if you follow this book’s plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply, your family will have plenty to eat for weeks, months or even years, with meals such as:

• French Toast

• Black Bean Soup

• Chicken Pot Pie

• Beef Stroganoff

• Fish Tacos

• Potatoes Croquette

• Asian Ramen Salad

• Quinoa Tabouli

• Rice Pilaf

• Buttermilk Biscuits

• Peach Cobbler

Packed with tips for off-grid cooking, canning charts for over 20 fruits and vegetables, and checklists for the best emergency pantry items, The Prepper’s Cookbook will have you turning shelf-stable, freeze-dried and dehydrated foods into delicious, nutritious dishes your family will love eating.

In our everyday lives we are dependent on fuel to maintain our comfortable lifestyles. During a disaster however, we are even more dependent on fuel to maintain our basic survival needs. Having an emergency supply of fuel can help create warmth in your home to assist in regulating your body temperature, assist in cooking food, and also helps in powering essential emergency tools such as generators, household appliances.

You can spend a fortune on food for long term storage, but if you don’t protect your investment, that money could be completely wasted. Proper storage containers don’t have to cost a fortune. You can glean many different kinds of containers from things that would normally be thrown away. Once you’ve alerted friends and family that you are seeking these containers, you will likely be given more containers than you could ever use!

Food must be protected from three specific “enemies”: oxygen, moisture and pests. Proper containers are like an insurance policy on your food. Careful storage practices combined with the right containers are (Hint: Before repackaging your dried foods for storage, send the item to the deep freezer for a couple of weeks to kill off any mealy bugs or pests that could be lurking in the product.) Choose your storage location carefully, because even the best storage practices can be hampered or derailed completely by rodents , extreme temperatures or excessive moisture. Read the rest of the article

At a time when most people shudder each time they pull out their wallet at the grocery store cashier, it’s hard to imagine putting back a year’s supply of food and goods.  It’s intimidating to even considering buying enough to make it through to the next paycheck, and mind-boggling to imagine getting extra for a stockpile!

This is where your paradigm has to shift.

People today shop paycheck to paycheck.  They live paycheck to paycheck.  According to a 2011 article by, 1 in 3 Americans report that only one paycheck stands between them and homelessness.

In a survey, 33% of responders said that if their income was interrupted they would not be able to make their next mortgage payment.  Sixty-one percent of those surveyed said that they could only hang on for 5 months without a paycheck.  Go ahead – check your account….how long would you be able to keep a roof over your head, food in your tummies and lights at the flick of a switch?

Once upon a time, the key was to make more money.  You could work more hours, get a second job,  increase your workplace productivity.  You could nearly always find a way to improve the flow of cash.

These days, a different strategy is necessary.

You must reduce the amount that you spend.

There.  I said it.  YOU HAVE TO SPEND LESS.

You may not want to make changes.  You may not want to sacrifice your little luxuries.  You may feel like you “deserve” them or that you have “earned” them.

That may well be the case, but one day if your cupboards are empty, the stores are closed and your kids are shivering in an unheated house, how much luxury would skipping those pedicures while sipping a $6 Starbucks have purchased for you?  If you “can’t afford to prep” but you are still spending money frivolously, then you have willfully signed on for a very difficult future.

By having a stockpile of food and supplies set aside, in the event of a job loss or other financial catastrophe, then you can focus your limited money on things like shelter and utilities.

In order to finance this stockpile, you have to make some immediate changes to the way you spend money.

Different situations cause for different changes.  Some of you may be able to fund your stockpile by cutting out one thing – like smoking or Starbucks, while others may need to institute some personal financial austerity.

If you are spending money on any of these things, then you can afford to prep – you’re just choosing not to:

Soda pop
Sport drinks
Drive thru or barista coffee
Movie theaters
Fast food lunches
Delivery pizza
Frequent visits to the hair salon
Gym memberships
Credit cars
Cell phones
Electric tumble dryer
Dinners out
New clothes
Processed food
Dog groomers

You get the idea – these things are nice to have and a pleasant diversion, but they are absolutely not vital to your life.  Not like…food.  Medicine.  Shelter.

Becoming a black belt in the art of frugality will net you more than just a closet full of canned goods.  You will learn valuable skills that will serve you well in a TEOTWAYKI situation, even if that is just the end of your current world, and not a widespread disaster.

An independent mindset costs nothing, takes up no storage space and is easily portable.  No matter what life throws at you, learning skills and self-reliance will help you through it.

Take a long, critical look at your expenditures and decide what your priorities are.  For the $15 per person that you would spend on an outing to the movie theater today, you could buy enough beans and rice to see you through a difficult time in the future.  Quite seriously, we are running out of time to purchase things at a reasonable price.  Taxes are increasing, prices are increasing and jobs are vanishing.  The time to focus is RIGHT NOW.

You can use one of these suggestions in this series or all of them.  Be creative and come up with your own ways to save that work well with your life.  Realize that by spending money prepping, you will save money in the long run  The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions.

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Recently by Tess Pennington: The Barter Value of Skills




Reality tells us that we may soon be coming to a point in which cash is no longer king. The economy has been drying up for years. Over one million Americans filed their initial unemployment claim over the last month. The dollars we bring home are buying less on every trip to the grocery store.

Few of us are completely self-sufficient. There are always going to be a few things that we cannot make for ourselves. If your personal preps are in order, consider investing your prep dollars in a new way: purchase barter items!

A lot of things that are inexpensive now will be invaluable later. As the economy collapses even further, people will be focused on survival and the barter system will reignite. Barter items will be far better than cash – you can’t eat a dollar!

What kind of items will be worth their weight in gold? Check out this list for a few suggestions:

Matches and lighters
Canning jars, lids and rings
First aid items
Water Filtration Supplies
Sewing supplies
Feminine Hygiene Supplies
Fishing Supplies
Fuel (gasoline, propane, kerosene, etc)
Sweeteners such as honey, sugar and syrup
Carbonated beverages
Small packages of food (baggies of beans/rice, etc)
Cooking oil
Farm supplies (pesticides, fertilizer, etc.)
Weapons, Ammo*
Warm clothing
Hats/Gloves (think about those little dollar store stretchy items)
Hand sanitizer
Dental care items (toothbrushes/toothpaste/floss)

Cash Is Out, Bartering Is King

Read the rest of the article

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