Thursday, December 12, 2013

93-Year-Old Knock Out Game Victim/Defender a Myth

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93-Year-Old Knock Out Game Victim/Defender a Myth

A story going around the net is of Gladis Bennett, 93 yr old grandmother, who supposedly shot and killed one of a group of attackers who were "playing" the knockout game.

The story caught my interest for obvious reasons, and because the blog referenced in the link above showed a picture of an older woman holding a large handgun, which I recognized as a large hand air gun, a   Webley Tempest
or  Mark II air pistol.    This prodded me to investigate further, to determine if the story were real or just another Internet hoax/satire.

It is not as if such events are implausible.   A recent case in Lansing, Michigan is suspiciously similar, and may have served as a exemplar for the story.

I could not find any actual news source for the story of the "Gladis Bennett", but I did find a Snopes article that showed the story as originating on National Report a news satire site.

We live interesting times, where satire is often hard to separate from real news events, without some research.

©2013 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
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