Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blind Man / Dog Plowed Under Train Saved By NY Cop Interview - A Christmas Miracle

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Blind Man / Dog Plowed Under Train Saved By NY Cop Interview - A Christmas Miracle

Blind Man / Dog Plowed Under Train Saved By NY Cop Interview - A Christmas Miracle

blind man who fell

A blind man and his guide dog fell onto a New York City subway track just as a train was approaching. But thanks to the black Labrador’s quick-thinking, both dog and man escaped with relatively minor injuries.

Published on Dec 19, 2013

Blind Man / dog plowed under train saved by NY cop interview - A Christmas Miracle. Cecil Williams, who lives in Harlem, was at the 145th Street station in New York City at around 9:30 a.m. Tuesday when he began to feel faint. Despite the best efforts of the dog, a black Labrador named Orlando, Williams tumbled over the platform edge and onto the tracks.

"He went down, and the dog jumped down," witness Matthew Martin told the New York Post . "[The dog] wasn't pulled. He was kissing him, trying to get him to move."

Others on the platform alerted subway workers to Williams's plight. Authorities said a construction flagger told Williams to stay in a trough in the middle of the tracks. Less than a minute later, an uptown A train pulled into the station.

Authorities told the Post the train operator slammed on the brakes, but not before a car and a half passed over the spot where Williams and Orlando were. Remarkably, neither man nor dog suffered any serious injury. Transit officials pulled Orlando out from under the train before Williams was extracted with the help of a backboard and neck brace.

"The dog saved my life," Williams told the Associated Press from St. Luke's Hospital, where he was taken with a cut on his head. "I'm feeling amazed. I feel that God, the powers that be, having something in store from me. They didn't take me away this time. I'm here for a reason."

Williams, who became blind due to meningitis in 1995, said he didn't know why he fainted, but noted he does take insulin and other medications.


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