Saturday, December 21, 2013

Watch What This Homeless Man Does!

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Watch What This Homeless Man Does!

Watch What This Homeless Man Does!

Martial Law In America: The Plan In Obama's Words

The Coming Martial Law In America - The Plan In Obama's Words

The videographer David Vose "This video gives the entire plan of Obama for martial law in america. In the actual words of Obama's administration and Obama himself. If a person in authority with great power tells you they are going to enslave you, you need to listen. Martial law is coming. Then you need to do what ever you can BEFORE they succeed in their plan to stop them. If america stands by now and does nothing, it will not be just the fulfillment of bible prophecy, but a definitive explanation of WHY prophets saw this coming"

SCARY NEW WORLD ORDER PLANS FOR 2014 THE END OF AMERICA 2014-2016: "IT'S WORSE THAN YOU KNOW" Martial Law Drills UNDERWAY Nationwide- DHS Preparing For "Terrorist Attack"

Shocking: NSA Changing Bank Balances?

According to InfoWars "A new report indicates that government reform should include prohibiting the NSA from changing the amounts in bank accounts, implying that they have done just that. While the government continues to ignore the NSA's crimes, neocons are calling for Snowden to be executed. "

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