Friday, December 27, 2013

Lady Gaga Gushes Over Boyfriend Taylor Kinney

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Lady Gaga Gushes Over Boyfriend Taylor Kinney

fashion-magazine-february-2014-lady-gaga-coverohmyGAHH!! Lady Gaga gives a new meaning to “four eyes” while on the cover of Fashion magazine.

Mother Monster tells the mag:

On her relationship with Taylor Kinney

“It has been hard for me to find it but I have found love. When you meet someone that’s not intimidated by the amazing people that are around you [or] by the love that you receive—that’s love. Men weren’t always happy for me. It was very challenging to watch a woman be so successful.”

On battling depression by making music

“I put all my pain into my work and as joyful as this album is, this joy and if you look at the album cover there’s an explosion of joy that is coming from a place of intense sadness that’s been in my heart since I was younger and this is why we understand each other because I was not born happy, naturally always joyful or believing in myself. I was born with a sad heart. I didn’t feel alive unless I was on a stage.”

On her intimate relationship with fashion

“Fashion is that thing that saved me from being sad. I’ve always cared about my costumes and my clothes. When I leave my apartment I like to look pretty for my fans but not [in a] hot sexy girl [way]—I don’t care about that, I just want to make you feel something with what I wear. I want you to feel happy and enjoy the theatre of my life the way that I do. No matter what happens with my music and wherever I go that—that heart of that glamorous girl in New York will never be gone. This is who I am and its never been an act and its never been marketing. This is me all the way to my core and fashion is a big part of my life.”

On the power of Donatella Versace

“I don’t always have anyone to look up to. It can be kind of lonely because you know some people have been very accepting of me as an artist and some people haven’t. Seeing  where Donatella is and how far she’s come and continues to go makes me feel like I have a role model. I have somebody I can look up to and say ‘I can be that’ or maybe I can at least try.”

The post Lady Gaga Gushes Over Boyfriend Taylor Kinney appeared first on ohmyGAHH.

Censored! Top 5 Stories MSM Didn't Want You To Read In 2013- Missing Nukes, Purging Military & More (Video)

By Susan Duclos
The RunDownLive offers an end of the year roundup of the MSM's  top 5 stories they censored and refused to report.
They are described below and are explained in more detail in the video below that.
The "Litmus Test" given to high ranking military to see which generals would fire on American citizens during door-to-door gun confiscations and/or financial collapse;
The "Missing Nukes," which were transferred from Dyess Air Force Base to South Carolina, while at the same time Senator Lindsey Graham publicly warned of a possible nuclear attack on Charleston, South Carolina;
The "Purging of Top Generals" that would not fall in line with the "Global Elite," the termination of the top commanders involved with the missing nuke transfer as well as two of the top nuclear commanders within the United States involved now been terminated following the high level leak;
The "Psychotropic Drug Epidemic," showing 99 percent of mass shooter are on these pills which states right on the bottle “may cause suicidal tendencies";
Last but not least the "Boston Marathon bombing" anomalies, where the government refused to admit and the MSM refused to report the drill that was occurring before and during the marathon, the Boston Bombers' involvement with the CIA, plus the chilling recording of the brothers claiming the "didn't do it," the initial "suspect" later being found dead and the shootout which appeared to only have shooting coming from the police, not the brothers.

Falsely Identified ‘Boston Bomber’ Found Dead In River: Quickly after photos went viral of military looking personnel in “Craft” gear  the scheduled press conference in which they where most likely to announce “We got our guy” was cancelled. Instead he was carted away in a paddy wagon and found in the river 3 days later

The below video goes into more detail and the videos beneath that are including as references to the events as they happened in 2013.









Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America

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