Saturday, December 21, 2013

Continued Human Goat Hybrid Births!

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Continued Human Goat Hybrid Births!

Hundreds curiously gather in the streets of Kenya to witness the birth of a peculiar animal. The owner claimed it was to be a normal goat birth, but when the kid came out, it was all but normal. It had features of that of a man....

This is not the only occurrence of human-goat hybrids; they have been reported in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Palastine, Zimbabwe, and more. 

My only question is, where are these goat hybrids coming from? Although it hasn't been proven, could it be possible that humans are having intercourse with these animals and producing offspring? Or maybe scientists have been altering the DNA unknowingly? Some of the locals blame witchcraft, but no one knows for sure. All we know is this "new species" is mysteriously being birth and no one knows why. 

Goat Hybrid in Zimbabwe..

Goat Hybrid in Palastine...

Sheep Hybrid in Asia...

Goat Hybrid in Iraq...

Goat Hybrid in Thailand...

Goat Hybrid unknown area...

Goat Hybrid in Saudi Arabia 

Nigerian Human birth of a Goat human hybrid...

Read about it here. 


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