Sunday, December 29, 2013

Chilling NWO Prison Slavery Is Legal In The US (Video)

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Chilling NWO Prison Slavery Is Legal In The US (Video)

By Susan Duclos
A very well put together video below by The Money GPS ~ Author Exposing the Truth, explains in detail while showing the examples proving his point that NWO prisons are set up with the specific purpose of legalized slavery.
Two issues here meld together. One the taxation system in America and how it is progressively taking more and more from individual workers, with increases yearly in almost every category. Then you have the debtors prisons being revived for those that cannot afford to pay into the system. Throw them into jail and use them to manufacture the "made in the USA" products, setting up slave labor.
Consider some of the articles shown in the video below, specifically the one from NYT showing the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) is the nation's largest owner of private prisons and it's revenue has increased over 500 percent in the last two decades.
The US prison system dwarfs that of other nations, housing almost 25 percent or the worlds prisons, yet the US only hold five percent of the world's population.
In other words, economic and physical slavery is legal in the United States of America.
AUTHOR NOTE - Make no mistake, I am a firm believer that criminals should give back and should be put to work to benefit communities and states, but the determination of "criminal" has become backwards here in the US.... people who can barely afford to feed themselves, being put into debtors prisons as some states are trying to revive the practice of, is not a hardened criminal in my mind. 
When being caught with an ounce of pot puts someone in jail for a longer period that child rapists, we have a problem, the system is messed up and companies like the CCA is taking advantage of it to the nth degree.
Furthermore it is not the local towns or states that are benefitting from this slave labor it is the CCA in many cases.





Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America



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