Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Guilt – A Powerful Trap of the Past

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Guilt – A Powerful Trap of the Past


by Heather Rodgers

Whether you are someone that has not awakened to Truth or someone that has managed to pull out of the hypnotic state of sleepwalking through this journey, guilt can haunt us deeply. Sometimes there may be multiple choices that we made that seem to linger around our mind as if to torture us and keep us from living in the moment. We begin to connect the dots from our own individual choices to the webs of the matrix and our own weaving we have created. Or if asleep, we let the guilt of a bad choice keep cycling through our minds like a record that keeps skipping. What are we to do at this point?

It is imperative that we remember that we cannot change the past. That brings us to this moment right now where you are reading this and perhaps your own choices that still boil up a bit of guilt are circling around the mind. We can look around our lives and perhaps we see a life that is not what we feel best reflects our spirit within us. Recognizing this is a major step in the right direction. Evolving past a denial stage in any process of healing is not a simple task for most. A deep breath and a sigh may be in order.

It is time to move forward. A fantastic way of doing this is to reflect on how we got to where we are in this journey. This can be done in the macro and micro as they seem to flow succinctly in certain attributes. When we inspect a subject close to our hearts in the macro that does not seem to serve the greater good, then we can often trace back to decisions we have made earlier in our journey that may have affected this macro subject on a micro level. Perhaps we can see decisions we still make more currently and in the present that feed this macro issue that we no longer want to feed.

This is where the work really begins for so many. Understanding our decisions that got us to where we are and deciding what to do about it is the next logical step. Once a digging into this really begins, then motivation to change these decisions which are often behaviors begins to take hold. Changing behaviors can be difficult for some people. We have been “trained” to think certain ways and have attained certain lifestyles that in the past have brought comfort due to a level of predictability. Breaking free from the “trained” thought process and altering our perspective is vital.

It takes a decision to change, determination, and persistence to alter our course. It is really simple but can feel so overwhelming. We make decisions all the time, even if we don’t really give much thought to the decision. It is natural to wake up, pour a hot cup of coffee, skip breakfast, get dressed, and go straight to work. Do we really think much about any of those actions? I bet most do not. We may ponder over which shirt to wear or is it worth it to grab a banana as we run out the door, but do we really contemplate the decisions? Do these decisions even matter?



The post Guilt – A Powerful Trap of the Past appeared first on Just Wondering - Alternative News and Opinions.

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