Saturday, December 7, 2013

Vin Diesel On Paul Walker's Death

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Vin Diesel On Paul Walker's Death

Sometimes conspiracy theories over step a certain boundry and actually are offensive to whoever.  This is the case with Paul Walker's tragic car accident.  Nobody was out to kill him.  There is no conspiracy.  He had a need for speed and it killed him.  That is it.  It happens everyday, every minute of everyday.  If it wasn't Paul Walker with the aid oganizations under his belt, there wouldn't even be talk of conspiracies.  But because he's a famous celebrity, you latched right on and made it into something it's not.  Leave it alone and let people mourn the loss of Paul Walker however they want but don't sit there and try to twist it into something it's not to forward your own agendas.  RIP Paul Walker. -Mort

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